快好知 kuaihz

1. I apprehend no worsening of the situation. 2. Prison riots broke out over worsening conditions. 3. The political situation is steadily worsening. 4. The environment is worsening for the development of industry. 5. We are now faced with a worsening economic recession. 6. In recent years I've been cursed with worsening eyesight. 7. Rather worryingly, the survey shows a worsening of child health in many areas. 8. The country's worsening reputation does not seem to be putting off the tourists. 8.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 9. The result could be a worsening of the international debt crisis. 10. They remain stranded in freezing weather and rapidly worsening conditions. 11. The trade and federal deficits were worsening. 12. The result could be world recession and a worsening of the international debt crisis. 13. The daily news stories of the worsening economy unnerved the nation. 14. The progressive form follows a steady pattern of worsening symptoms and disability without periods of remission. 15. The growth of towns alone produced a rapid worsening of their human and material condition. 16. Worsening expectations had not yet led to a collapse in investment, however. 17. The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening. 18. Rescuers had to call off the search because of worsening weather conditions. 19. Miss T.'s father returned to the ward and thought that her condition was worsening and that she appeared disorientated. 20. They did not realise that the obligations they were taking on left them with no leeway to cope with worsening market conditions. 21. But the threat of the old section of the course has meant some swift action to deal with a worsening plight. 22. The cost of uniforms and books was becoming prohibitive and the gang scene was worsening at school. 23. Wright has a short fuse, and without the goals going in his situation is worsening. 24. The single currency is in trouble, and the problem is worsening. 25. The symptoms she endured varied from month to month, worsening or improving according to the circumstances of her life at the time. 26. It can happen, however, that records kept during some interventions show a worsening trend. 27. Andrew was no better at getting to grips with the worsening situation, Fergie complains now. 28. For the latter system greatly reduces the incentive to export and leads to a progressive worsening of the balance of payments. 29. While the talks continue, the situation on the ground is worsening. 30. The fifth plenum announced austerity measures to tackle the worsening economic situation and called for stronger party leadership and unity.