快好知 kuaihz

91. Rescuers had to call off the search due to worsening weather. 92. Worsening social conditions approximated to those of the early thirties. 93. Whereas initially arterial oxygenation may be normal and slight hypocapnia may be present, worsening obstruction and tiring patients may exemplify arterial hypoxemia and hypercapnia. 94. Impaired function of cardiac sympathetic nerve NET in cases of heart failure may contribute to worsening of the patients condition and to the progression of heart failure. 95. Further budget cuts would further depress economic activity, reducing tax revenues and worsening the debt - to - GNP ratio. 96. Craniotomy and evacuation of hematoma was done when the neurological signs were worsening. 97. This latest incident is bound to lead to a further worsening of relations between the two countries. 98. During the work-up of PM, you find that he has worsening constipation and watery stools . Is this explained by the aforementioned mutation? Elaborate. 99. It is also observed that while the general damages of the workers have restored to normal after stopping contact with TNT for some time, the lens damage of the workers's eyes is going on worsening. 100. M : And the worsening desertification is another major reason. 101. Worsening at night and difficulty sleeping are common with cough associated with upper respiratory infection and could be caused by exacerbating factors such as dry air or postnasal drip. 102. Add to this the fact that perceptions about the economy are worsening week by week, and one might have expected the central theme of the Democratic campaign to be "throw the bums out." 103. With the increasing hostile man-made interference and electromagnetic environment worsening, anti-jamming gradually become one of the essential ability in satellite navigation receivers. 104. Their clinical symptoms were worsening of pre-existed cardiac arrhythmia, bile drained out from drainage tube, and biliary spillage from umbilical incision, respectively. 105. More important is if a patient has pre-existing gastropathy and then undergoes sclerotherapy that is further worsening and increasing risks of bleeding from gastropathy. 106. The worsening of cough at night is consistent with postnasal drip, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and congestive heart failure. 107. Do not increase dose if worsening renal function or hyperkalemia. 108. The national average is worsening thanks to states which once were more neutral with regard to sex, such as Tamil Nadu and Orissa. 109. The formation and development of a metropolis makes a quantity of people and goods travel back and forth thus worsening urban traffic.