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61. If we define it as statistically likely, we encounter the problems discussed earlier with an infrequency model. 62. In all but five plays verse is the statistically dominant form and prose has the role of the essential but inferior complement. 63. Statistically, women are about two times more likely to develop a depression than men. 64. None the less, the effort of the sociologists to exonerate welfare as a special cause of the ghetto crisis was statistically deceitful. 65. This question can now be answered statistically by means of the process of computer simulation. 66. The results would then be collected and analyzed statistically to come up with guidelines for payouts to the remaining plaintiffs. 67. Statistically my time is limited, so would I be wise to leave things as is? 68. The location-factor approach focused on large numerical data sets and on finding statistically significant relationships between variables. 69. Hiatal hernia was the only statistically significant predictor of oesophageal mucosal status. 70. Data thus accumulated are evaluated statistically using a quality control chart. 71. The link was only marginally statistically significant. 72. The response can only be determined statistically. 73. Effect sizes in trials may be statistically significant but not produce clinically important differences in practicesettings. 74. Statistically, ninety-eight percent of all acute sunstroke cases are fatal. 75. Result The fold activation value of luciferase of rifampin group was statistically different from control group and DMSO group. 76. Statistically high EI values corresponded to structures involved early in the ictal process and producing rapid discharges at seizure onset. 77. Densitometricmeasurements were measured using image analysis system and data were statistically analysed by Mann - Whitney U test. 78. METH - ODS : The varieties, sales volume , DDDs etc. of NSAID used in 10 hospitals of Tanjin during 2002~2003 were analyzed statistically. 79. With statistically empirical research, the reliability coefficient could be estimated and improved, which could form the basis for further evaluation and decision. 80. Methods To statistically analyze blood sugar level of 120 cases of asphyxial newborn infant in our Hospital since 2000. 81. Differences of thymopoietin expression in ovarian cancer with different histological grade, clinical stage, metastasis and pathological types were not statistically significant. 82. No statistically significant association was found in the short or long run between measures of economic recession and the amount of official DAH committed or disbursed. 83. Materials and Methods: The MRI features paranasal sinuses in 100 children without sinusitis were statistically analyzed. 84. METHODS 153 cases showing adverse reactions caused by acetri- zoic acid reported in domestic literature issued from 1994 to 2006 were collected and statistically analyzed. 85. The most exaggerated and statistically significant response by far was to Alternaria alternata antigens. 86. Method: The body temperatures in the 100 emergency patients were measured by the dynamic distant thermometer and mercury thermometer. The reading data were analyzed statistically. 87. Lung function were studied with animal plethysmography when suspension ended. Test results were compared statistically. 88. Results: 1) No statistically significant difference was found in anteroposterior position of tongue between two groups. 89. No age or birth weight group had a statistically significant increased risk for food allergy. 90. Statistically for the same Groups, one can track the Number of Days On Market, i. e. the Average calendar time period in days from Initial Listing For Sale until Deal Closing.