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151. It is statistically that the transformer failure caused by insulation aging accounts for an important part in the transformer accidents. 152. The acoustic field separation technique of the statistically optimal cylindrical nearfield acoustic holography has also been developed. 153. The VEP with optimal stimuli and threshold stimuli were recorded, then the relational universal test chart was analyzed statistically. 154. In 2007, the MINOS experiment searched for faster-than-light neutrinos but didn't see anything statistically significant. 155. Our results show that the use of mobile-bearing prostheses instead of fixed-bearing prostheses reduced the risk of radiolucent lines and of complications by statistically insignificant amounts. 156. The thesis contains following main parts: (1) the intrinsic flatness of disk galaxies has been statistically analyzed based on 14,988 disk galaxies taken from the LEDA database. 157. The result is that the pass-through of RMB nominal exchange rate into China' s import price and consumer price is statistically significant, but the degree is highly incomplete. 158. This paper presents a statistically learning fixed matrix adaptive KLT figure print image compression coding method. It is implemented using TMS320C25 as well. 159. METHODS:The anaphylactic shock was statistically analyzed among3862cases that were given slight dosage of trasylol before operation by intravenous drip. 160. In this article it has compared statistically the time length of ligating tourniquet and the successful rate of venipuncture by 100 cases of diarrhea with venous transfusion. 161. The result showed that the EM is not able to statistically affect the ovarian development and oogenesis of bumblebee queens in preoviposition period. 162. Results: The effective rate of intratympanic injection group was 83%[/statistically.html], statistically higher than 60% of the intravenous drip group. 163. Statistically speaking, the number of believers if twice as large as Japan's total population, but this is because many households worship both Shintoist and Buddhist gods. 164. None of the other factors studied had a statistically significant effect on malalignment. 165. The observed data of maximum annual water levels of 160 reservoirs in China were analysised statistically. 166. For the investigation on electromagnetic radiation level in Nanjing, the electric intensity fields and power densities in the city were monitored and statistically analyzed. 167. The growth of management expenses and that of profits ran in a contrary direction and was statistically out of proportion. 168. In fact, we are probably talking about 0.000005% of the population; so statistically speaking it's about as accurate as a blind baseball pitcher with Meniere's disease. 169. Phosphocreatine could significantly decrease the DHBAs but had no difference with the effect of phosphocreatine between preconditioning group and PC 1 group statistically. 170. METHODS 102 cases of exfoliative dermatitis induced by anti-infective drugs from 1994 to 2006 were analyzed statistically. 171. The data were then analyzed statistically using methods such as percentage frequency distribution and chi - square test. 172. Conclusion There were no statistically significant differences in Chinese Kazakstan and Chinese Han in distribution of TPMT activity and genotype frequence of TPMT. 173. Sydney-based sexual health psychologist Professor Jane Ussher said the trend was concerning because Jolie's looks were statistically abnormal. 174. Functional outcomes were measured by TAM system and the data analyzed statistically. 175. In the observation group, forceps delivery rate, cesarean section rate and neonatal asphyxia rate were significantly higher, the difference was statistically significant. 176. ALT, TP, TBIL, GLU, ultrasound to measure the portal vein, splenic vein of kids measuring the thickness of the blood group of the spleen, non-bleeding group were statistically significant. 177. The scores were statistically analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences ( SPSS 12.0 ). 178. Open-ended questions allow for a greater variety of responses from participants but are difficult to analyze statistically because the data must be coded or reduced in some manner. 179. After the intervention, we found that the students' perceptions of the experienced teacher's PCK had improved and that a statistically significant difference existed except for the dimension of KSU. 180. But when those from central England are compared with North Frisia, on the German North Sea coast, the "Central English and Frisian samples [are] statistically indistinguishable".