快好知 kuaihz

121. The problem with video games is that they're addictive. 122. Arantxa Sanchez Vicario made short shrift of her opponent, allowing her only two games in a 6-0, 6-2 demolition. 123. Games and songs provide the perfect opportunity for classroom interaction and language development. 124. By a curious paradox, the team became less motivated the more games it won. 125. They dropped two games in a row and were eliminated from the tournament. 126. She won the gold medal in the women's marathon at this year's Olympic Games. 127. You've lost your games kit again what have you got to say for yourself? 128. The team has hit a purple patch, with nine wins from their last ten games. 129. I really don't understand these newfangled computer games that my children are always playing. 130. Now and again he'd join in when we were playing video games. 131. The team won their last four games, ending the season with a bang. 132. They contested against the world's best runners in the games. 133. You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games. 134. The games, the dancing and the good food all added together to make a memorable occasion. 135. Five other cities had been competing for the honour of staging the Games. 136. United's new striker confounded the critics with his third goal in as many games. 137. A female lion squatted in the shrub, waiting for her games. 138. She found their laughter and noisy games coarse and rather vulgar. 139. Their defence, so strong last season, has now conceded 12 goals in six games. 140. The TV station has signed an exclusive deal to show all United's home games. 141. This type of games console is starting to look well past its sell-by date . 142. They're so lacking in confidence in the attraction of the games they televise that they feel they have to hype up with some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to watch them. 143. It was the Olympic Games that really put Seoul on the map. 144. A solo piper opens Aberdeen Highland Games at 10am and the main events start at 1pm. 145. Talk to your baby, play games, and show her how much you enjoy her company. 146. Team A paced team B with five points in the ten games. 147. The Giants winning streak remained unbroken for an impressive nineteen games. 148. The team has a few rough edges, but they're winning more games. 149. The Olympic Games began with a parade of all the competing nations. 150. Not telling the whole truth is one of the games that people play.