快好知 kuaihz

181. Today's match ranks as one of the most exciting games that these two have ever played. 182. I'll soon put an end to her silly little games. 183. The team has conceded only 19 goals in 28 games. 183.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 184. The Olympic Games were watched by literally billions of people. 185. A well - known broadcaster has been asked to commentate on the opening ceremony of the national games. 186. The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city. 187. She succeeded in drawing level with her opponent at two games. 188. She won six games to love in the second set. 189. The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four year' time. 190. They claim that some computer games encourage violent behaviour in young children. 191. The Russian relay team will again be going for the gold medal at the Olympic Games. 192. Britain's Martine Le Moignan defeated her countrywoman Suzanne Horner in four games. 193. Karen wasn't beaten in any of her games, but all the others were. 194. We played games to relieve the tedium of the journey. 195. We need to win the next three games. It's a big ask, but I'm confident we can do it. 196. Fox is not bitter about the lost opportunity to compete in the Games. 197. I got a few games free when I bought my computer. 198. Barcelona was chosen to be host of the 1992 Olympic games. 199. The elephants and giraffes got only a passing glance from the teenagers heading from the car park to the games arcade. 200. She was the first British markswoman to win a medal in the Olympic Games. 201. Sam's team scored in the double digits in nine out of ten games. 202. The Indians have won three straight one-run games in the postseason. 203. The Braves have been red-hot in the last few games. 204. The members of the team are practising very hard in order to gain the championship in the coming games. 205. attraction of the games they televise that they feel they have to hype up with some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to watch them. 206. He began the season in a blaze of glory , scoring seven goals in as many games. 207. He has an esoteric collection of old toys and games. 208. During the break between games, she had a drink of water and wiped the perspiration off her face and arms with a towel. 209. Your jigsaw puzzles and games are all mixed up together in that box. Shall we sort them out? 210. The evenings were whiled away in endless games of cards.