anesthesia造句(61) Clinical Anesthesia Causes Permanent Damage to the Fetal guinea pig brain.
(62) Objective To summarize the clinical experience of Gilbert tension-free hernioplasty in the elderly patient under local anesthesia.
(63) Results The total dose of anesthetic applied to both groups was close, and there was no difference in every observed index of induction, anesthesia maintenance and after removing intratracheal tube.
(64) Manual Editing of Automatically Recorded Data in an Anesthesia Information Management System.
(65) An adrenergic drug, C9H13NO2, that is a powerful vasoconstrictor and is used to relieve nasal congestion, dilate the pupils, and maintain blood pressure during anesthesia.
(66) Conclusion Analgesic effect of pudendal nerve anesthesia, and can shorten the second stage of labor reduce maternal pain.
(67) Transient ischemic TIA or stroke a rare complication , particularly in aged patients after surgery and anesthesia.
(68) In neonates and small children, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
(69) Cardiac toxicity induced by local anesthetics is a rare but potentially fatal complication during local anesthesia.
(70) Objective To analyze the advantages of subconjunctival anesthesia in trabeculectomy for middle or late glaucoma.
(71) The effects of anesthesia, the effects of cervix relaxation, uterotonic degree, bleeding and abortion syndrome were observed.
(72) Objective:To compare the pharmacokinetics, clinical characteristic and ratio of effective price of desflurane with isoflurane in closed circuit anesthesia.
(73) Volume expansion of infusion of Ringer's solution in this study could possibly prevent arterial hypotension in epidural anesthesia.
(74) Methods Of the 15 cases of craniopharyngioma, 12 cases underwent total removal and 3 cases received subtotal resection, all through pterion under general anesthesia.
(75) According to available reports, breakage of dental anesthetic needles mostly occurs during mandibular block anesthesia.
(76) A growing body of research shows that people with red hair need larger doses of anesthesia and often are resistant to local pain blockers like Novocaine.
(77) Conclusion: The perquisite for a successful anesthesia during liver transplantation includes strict monitor and appropriate management.
(78) The primary complications include the usual risks of anesthesia, as well as bleeding after surgery.
(79) OBJECTJVE: TO assess the effective dosages of Ketamine - propofol balanced intravenous anesthesia for breast biopsy.
(80) BACKGROUND: Myoclonic movements are a common problem in unpremedicated patients during induction of anesthesia with etomidate.
(81) Conclusion Penehyclidine hydrochloride is a better premedicant choice for patients under general anesthesia induced by nondepolarizing muscle relaxant Atracurium.
(82) Methods: To perform endoscopy after topical anesthesia, locate the bleeding part and solidify it by microwave.
(83) Conclusion:Applying Shutai gel for male patients accepting indwelling urinary catheter in the stage of analepsia after general anesthesia is helpful to relieve their restlessness.
(84) Spinal anesthesia results from the infection of a local anesthetic into the cerebrospinal fluid.
(85) Objective To improve the success rate of intravertebral anesthesia of lumbar vertebral effectively.
(86) Regional anesthesia is used to block pain a large area of the body.
(87) Objective To discuss the clinical trials of using swelling anesthesia periareolar incision to treat persistent pubertal gynecomastia.
(88) Methods 43 cases children were operated with basic anaesthesia sacral anesthesia.
(89) Wildsmith JAW. Predicting the sprend of spinal anesthesia . Br J Anaesth 1989, 6:353.
(90) Objective To study the value of combined acupuncture drug anesthesia in the operation involving the cerebral language area, for improving tumor resection rate and reducing the incidence of disability.