consumer goods造句1. The costs of daily consumer goods have been hiked at two times.
2. Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.
3. Subject matter of contract: consumer goods.
4. Consumer goods manufacturers averaged only 12.5 percent.
5. But even poor people buy consumer goods.
6. For example, a maker of consumer goods like cookies or cigarettes rarely has direct contact with a consumer.
7. Western cars, holidays, consumer goods and lifestyles are theoretically within their reach, although in practice quite beyond it.
8. Competitions for consumer goods are usually promoted on the pack concurrent with in-store promotion.
9. The result was a frenzied rush for consumer goods, both for their own sake and as a hedge against inflation.
10. It differs from the other consumer goods in the private market in four ways.
11. Thus they were unable to import consumer goods and meet basic needs of the people.
12. In these four ways, housing differs from other consumer goods though it remains fundamentally a private market commodity.
13. Their consumer goods are yearned for throughout the class hierarchy.
14. Prices of most foodstuffs and consumer goods have gone down.
15. Because the internal market for consumer goods was too small; 2.
16. Consumer goods occupy a much more contradictory place in the circulation and realisation of capital than do fixed assets.
17. Textbooks used to teach that consumer goods with well-known brand names were nearly invincible and able to get away with outrageous pricing.
18. As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods.
19. Roads were clogged with juggernauts ferrying around vast quantities of consumer goods.
20. Imports of capital goods rose 50. 7 percent and consumer goods almost doubled in 1995, it said.
21. They cultivated work of sorts, trading in hashish, black market currency, and smuggled radios and other consumer goods.
22. Some local strIkes wrenched considerable concessions for the workers in housing and better distribution of consumer goods.
23. High customs tariffs and turnover taxes were introduced to prevent a large-scale inflow of consumer goods.
24. The money was used to purchase either arms or consumer goods, rather than as investment capital to increase production facilities.
25. Seventy years of empty store shelves have created great pent-up demand for consumer goods, including electronics.
26. That's why there is a shortage in the supply of domestic consumer goods.
27. The single-minded mission of commercial television today is to produce audiences for sale to advertisers of consumer goods and services.
28. Product mix improved with the export of more manufactures and the import of fewer luxury consumer goods.
29. After controlling for other factors that contribute to family wealth, the research found that small families had more consumer goods.
30. I was dazzled by the friendly clerks, who kept bowing at customers, and the quantity and quality of consumer goods.