快好知 kuaihz

1. Depression affects people with a poor self-image. 2. Having a decent job contributes to a good self-image. 3. Children who have a positive self-image are less likely to present behaviour and discipline problems. 4. Tanya has a really negative self-image. 5. And how did this pernicious self-image arise? 6. It is important to stress that our self-image has the power to determine our attitudes and social behaviour. 7. But his self-image had become so out of phase with reality that he wanted to shoot his own leg. 8. The counselling process focuses upon self-image, and ultimately aims at modifying it in a constructive way. 8.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 9. And you are assaulting their self-image and threatening their whole life-style. 10. The overweight person's self-image may also fall, causing a loss of confidence, which becomes another stress. 11. Deborah has a very good self-image and no particular hang-ups about her body. 12. But having good mental health and a good self-image are more important. 13. The components of the self-image are illustrated in Figure 10.2. 14. A positive self-image can help you achieve anything you decide to do. 15. I hope at this point your self-image has improved dramatically. 16. Recognizing the internalized self-image of the counsellee is an important perceptual skill in arriving at a working hypothesis. 17. The braggart Anecdotes that bolster self-image reveal a great deal to you about the speaker. 18. Another said she clearly has poor self-image and yet more surgery isn't going to change that. 19. Along with this new hair-do came a new self-image and way of relating. 20. Some accountants have attacked the merchant banks for their inflated self-image and snobbery. 21. The sound of his or her own voice is in a similar way an important part of a person's self-image. 22. We use the techniques to build up our self-esteem and self-image. 23. No child should leave school with a sense of failure or a poor self-image. 24. Because the primary disease leads to a disorder of mood with a poor self-image and a sense of shame and unworthiness. 25. Moreover, Charles Darwin's revelations about out bestial beginnings had dealt a severe to Victorian man's self-image. 26. Coping with life in old age without drink may require an entirely new and improved self-image. 27. The sense of a distinct, separate identity fades and is replaced by a metamorphic self-image. 28. Along the way, various heroes of modernity, such as Gropius and Picasso, overtly identified their self-image as Promethean. 29. Nevertheless some people, especially women, find this very distressing, on a par with other changes to their self-image. 30. Four women in five feel they have a more positive self-image and higher self-esteem, too.