self-image造句61. Body image is part of someone's total self-image. So how a guy feels about his body can affect how he feels about himself.
62. This self-image explains in part why Bouazizi's self-immolation after the police confiscated his vending cart proved such a galvanizing event.
63. Life goals describe a persona's long-term desires, motivations, and self-image attributes, which cause the persona to connect with a product.
64. The challenge for Brazil now is to not let an exaggerated self-image eclipse its focus on balancing the constraints faced at home with the opportunities available abroad.
65. Keep adjusting your self-image and self-esteem to match your current abilities and skills, not those of your past.
66. Once you figure out what you stand for, then stand firm – your self-image depends on it.
67. Next, think about what kind of self-image a woman needs for you to achieve your desired outcome.