newcomer造句(31) He is not interested in them sexually, so there is no direct confrontation between him and the newcomer.
(32) The experimenters there for the most part snubbed the newcomer.
(33) But Souness has firmly kicked into touch suggestions that Wright will be sacrificed to make way for any newcomer.
(34) It also runs courses available to the staff of all member agencies from the newcomer to senior personnel.
(35) The Customs officer closed the door softly, almost reverently, leaving her and the newcomer alone.
(36) As a newcomer to a job and organisation, you may find yourself groping around to discover how status operates.
(37) Written and directed by newcomer David Beaird, this is your chance to discover an emerging talent.
(38) Medium-sized local radio stations in cities could find themselves competing for revenue with the newcomer, it added.
(39) It was a newcomer, almost a parvenu, the creation of refugees and pirates.
(40) Although she's a newcomer to the sport, she's already very successful.
(41) Blundell has filled the vacancy which had been earmarked for first-choice newcomer Damon Hill.
(42) When the newcomer was passed as harmless, they relaxed and turned back to their drinks.
(43) Either way, they do not need to tyrannize the literate newcomer.
(44) The newcomer trades his forbearance of the existing young against the collaboration of the old male in retaining the harem.
(45) Perhaps you are ignoring your existing pet, and giving preferential treatment to the newcomer?
(46) The chaprassi spotted the newcomer and stood up, blocking the way to the offices within.
(47) A newcomer disputed with the trustie in his first moments inside the hut.
(48) So, in the short term I see little hope for the newcomer or success for the organic smallholder.
(49) Starring newcomer Johnny Depp, it was about four young cops who battled high school crime.
(50) Meanwhile, unless his senses were awry from fear and pain, a newcomer had arrived on the scene.
(51) Stratford, Muldoon and Chandler, ably assisted by newcomer Napier, held command in midfield.
(52) When you are a newcomer to a group take a friend you know well along with you.
(53) The replacement by a newcomer of the male harem owner in the gelada is not accompanied by his expulsion.
(54) Another was a newcomer to our church and to our city, doing an Edinburgh house-to-house collection for the first time.
(55) So the newcomer need not be totally submerged at first contact with CAD systems suppliers.
(56) The newcomer is one election at the annual general meeting of members in the Mourneview Park social club tomorrow night.
(57) If you're a newcomer to the Net, the technical support on offer will probably be important to you.
(58) But having lived in a Louisiana prison for five years, he is a relative newcomer.
(59) Bennett called her chicken, said she was afraid to race the newcomer.
(60) A relative newcomer to the news control booth is the remote coordinator.