快好知 kuaihz

1. Help the dog over the stile. 2. The dog jumped over the stile. 3. Vaulting the stile, he headed diagonally across the paddock. 4. Cross stile, to find stile in top corner. 5. Follow this to a stile which you cross. 6. Follow this track over a stile heading south. 7. Leaving it by waymarked stile in righthand corner. 8. After 200yds cross a stile on the left. 9. Continue down field to stile and road. 10. Proceed down slope in second field to stile ahead. 11. Proceed down slope in second field to stile by electricity post, then ascend third field to gate in front of farm. 12. Cross the stile, go down the bank, carry on down, over the next stile and across the track. 13. A stile over a stone wall led into a field whose furthest wall consisted of the grey squat towers of the castle. 14. Immediately after the stile is a lovely little mountain stream crossed by stepping stones. 15. Descend steeply from Hor Point to a stile, then ascend to a squeeze gap. 16. As he crossed the stile into the first field, Mungo felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie. 17. Cross footbridge, take stile on right and turn left alongside fence, on clear track. 18. Follow the path west passing over a high stile and making a steep ascent to the summit of Y Garn. 19. The route goes through Treleidir farmyard, over a stile and towards the hill of Penberi. 20. In third field go forward to waymarked stile at far end, keeping just right of slight rise. 21. Turn left through the caravan site to stile leading to abandoned railway track, on which turn right. 22. Take the right fork at the Square and Compass and after the stone houses cross the stile on the right. 23. Turn left, alongside hedgerow fence on left, to leave by stile in top left-hand corner. 24. Cross the footbridge and follow the steep zig-zag path up to the wall and the ladder stile. 25. Track crosses bridge, then immediately turn right to leave track and cross stile; cross another field to stile ahead. 26. Go through gate on to sunken road and over stile on opposite bank. 27. After 300 yds, by electricity post, cross neck of field to stile ahead. 28. A bend in the path brought him to a stile at the entrance to Lulling Woods. 29. They were now running alongside the wall, but still a long way from the crossing stile. 30. Go left through the trees and climb over a ladder stile.