jumping造句91, And other quick-serve restaurant chains, such as Boston Market, are jumping on the bandwagon.
92, Like a hockey fight, though, we have a third party jumping in.
93, Tom swung the graveyard gate to one side and Sammy shot through jumping and barking in the puddles.
94, Just imagine jumping in and putting your feet through it.
95, Companies such as Oracle are jumping on the bandwagon, too, with low-priced network computers.
96, So why are you jumping through all these self-imposed hoops?
97, A few days short of his fifteenth birthday, Gert attempted suicide, cutting his wrist and jumping from a third-floor window.
98, It was like waiting to jump off a cliff - and then, not jumping.
99, The record player needle kept jumping out of the grooves.
100, Such old-boy networks were one way of jumping the promotion queue, of obtaining sponsorship.
101, On the opposite side of the quadrangle, silhouetted figures were standing on the roofs, whooping and jumping about.
102, He hadn't been exactly jumping for joy to have her here in the first place, as she knew very well.
103, Does this mean Accord and Camry owners will be jumping ship for Chevrolet?
104, We walked down close to the waves as we had done as kids, jumping back when one surged toward us.
105, Not all the associations are jumping at the chance to buy and sell derivatives.
106, The young man continued on his way and in the distance saw a man repeatedly jumping from a tree.
107, But before jumping to that conclusion it is worth pondering whether the weed is more resistant to husbandry practice rather than the herbicide.
108, He had managed to dislodge the noose from his neck and save himself by jumping into the freezing water below.
109, Lee Homburg, brother of Adrian Johns, survived after jumping, but suffered serious burns.
110, Skipping ropes are popular and can be used for many activities as well as skipping, jumping over and crawling under.
111, I know from experience because of the jumping, she's had accidents before.
112, The fine for jumping cliffs at Zion National Park was more than $ 1, 000.
113, It had a habit of jumping on the bed when they were making love and clawing him.
114, Instead the company is jumping headlong into the commercial satellite business.
115, Suddenly I was jumping, yelling out as the flagstone beat my feet like a cudgel or stone cricket bat.
116, Holding hands with your man in the sea and jumping over the biggest waves you've ever seen?
117, No one was jumping for joy because they'd finally got the piece they'd been searching for for years.
118, The telephone increases the likelihood of jumping to the wrong conclusions.
119, The winds shifted and the fire, jumping from treetop to treetop, roared toward them.
120, The jumping turning kick: strike with the ball of the foot, keeping the back leg tucked up.