financially造句61. His father's death in 1821 left him financially independent.
62. Many of them were financially independent.
63. Being financially assertive is essential for survival.
64. Everybody's under the cosh financially these days.
65. We've been financially solvent for the last 5 years.
66. But what's she entitled to financially?
67. Many people were facing a financially bleak Christmas.
68. They had enough income to feel financially secure.
69. We aim to help clients make financially sensible choices.
70. It was an expensive, almost financially fatal mistake.
71. Everybody outside the financially secure, self-serving and blinkered Cabinet.
72. Could your family cope financially if you died unexpectedly?
73. They may be better placed financially than many tenants, but their security of tenure can end with retirement.
74. And it helped that Grant never let us down financially, and phoned home every day.
75. No one wants to end up fighting a patent battle in court because financially only the lawyers win.
76. More constructive measures were also introduced to help families with children financially and medically.
77. Jackson's company became overextended financially, having invested in steamships and collieries as well as docks and railways.
78. Just because you have a valid complaint does not automatically mean that you have lost out financially.
79. If incorporations occur, Pima County will be better off financially.
80. Similarly, software experts are suggesting and developing approaches that may be technologically elegant but financially infeasible from a business perspective.
81. The incidence of bad debt, he concluded, was socially unacceptable and financially disastrous. Write off or write back?
82. Having hit a bad patch, financially, I decided I must try for some paid work with my knitting machine.
83. He was over sixty and a relatively wealthy man, with a wife who was financially independent.
84. Making matters worse, our system financially punishes people for being seriously ill and not dying quickly enough.
85. Perhaps you work for a charitable organization that must learn sophisticated marketing techniques to survive financially.
86. However, it is clear that the trend is for water supply schemes to be financially self-supporting in the future.
87. Unfortunately, as already described, Croydon Corporation saw things rather differently and thought they would stand to lose financially.
88. Pan has been struggling financially: last year alone, advertising revenue fell by 20%.
89. Do both parents feel ready financially to take on a new baby?
90. He had a robust self-esteem, even though this was a blow, and he needed financially to continue working.