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member of parliament造句
1. The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament. 2. Jacques Arnold has been a member of parliament since 1987. 3. He prided himself on being a member of Parliament. 4. If a Member of Parliament wishes to speak about a company with which he is connected, he must declare his interest. 5. In 1768, John Wilkes was elected as their Member of Parliament. 6. One opposition member of parliament accuses the government of wanting to be above the law. 7. One Member of Parliament there was actually sent to prison for non-payment. 8. There is always a Member of Parliament on a fact-finding mission. 9. One goes to elect a member of parliament on a first past the post, single member constituency basis. 10. Zwygart, a teacher and a member of parliament, was described as being on the party's liberal wing. 11. But as a member of parliament, Korzhakov will enjoy immunity from prosecution. 12. Every Member of Parliament here tonight probably represents thousands of constituents who will be affected by this mean little regulation. 13. As a member of parliament Mr Berezovsky is theoretically immune from prosecution, but he described this guarantee as worthless. 14. Yusuf Bozkurt Ozal, the president's brother and a member of parliament, opposes his sister-in-law's move into politics. 15. Marat Zakhidov, a senior member of parliament, knew all the local chiefs personally. 16. My Member of Parliament responded to my appeal by pointing out that their refusal is in line with the law. 17. A narrowly avoided divorce scandal involving a prominent Member of Parliament. 18. Parliamentary Privilege Being a Member of Parliament during the constitutional struggle of the seventeenth century could be a hazardous occupation. 19. Some pass the evening chatting to a Member of Parliament on a fact-finding mission. 20. What is the name of your member of Parliament?/member of parliament.html 21. To which party does your member of Parliament belong? 22. A member of Parliament in their own electoral district. 23. They elected Tom Jomes as their Member of Parliament. 24. They elected Tom Jones as their Member of Parliament. 25. The Browns have climbed socially since Mr Brown became a Member of Parliament. 26. After 30 years in the political arena, our local member of parliament is retiring next year. 27. You could easily find something better suited to your talents - become a Member of Parliament, or something. 28. In 1624 he obtained leave of absence from the University and served as a Member of Parliament. 29. The second volume, according to Duncombe, was edited by Isaac Hawkins Browne, a poet and sometime member of parliament. 30. She supposed you had to be pretty thick-skinned to be a Member of Parliament.