快好知 kuaihz

121 Equal opportunity legislation exists in most advanced countries but this is not yet reflected in equal pay rates. 122 Since our beliefs create our experiences, Cathy's love life faithfully reflected her mixed-up beliefs. 123 The campaign's apparent failures not only caused tensions in Central Office, they were reflected in the polls. 124 I have reflected on the position of elected councillors being allowed to become chairmen of college boards. 125 They circulated a joke that reflected both their disappointment with Soviet stinginess and their own destitution. 126 Thus the products and services demanded have reflected this change in cultural values. 127 The new push is reflected in the doubling of budget requests-to $ 254m-to combat Aids overseas. 128 Patterned ground is thus reflected in a patterned carpet of mosses and flowering plants. 129 In any event the user's opinion of a product is reflected in the standard achieved so actions speak louder than words. 130 And it was more than just the light reflected from their balding, silvery heads. 131 The closure of the antiquarian business in Bristol was part of this realignment, and was reflected in the 1992 accounts. 132 This is reflected in their price / earnings ratios, a key measure of market value. 133 The shed windows were broken and stood out black and jagged by the reflected light of the moon. 134 Because those organs are moving, the frequency of the reflected radiation is Doppler shifted by a tiny amount. 135 To begin with, Catholics objected to religious discrimination reflected in the unfair allocation of jobs, housing and industrial investment. 136 Strings of spittle hanging from pointed teeth to lower lip reflected moonshine as the cadaverous head arched skywards. 137 It reflected changing means and relations of cultural production and consumption. 138 This is reflected, as the University goes to considerable lengths to import sportsmen. 139 According to Yershon, this caution is reflected in pessimism over advertising budgets. 140 At a personal level, their relationship reflected their implicit agreement that the political initiative should rest with Paris rather than Bonn. 141 And this must inpart have reflected a greater diversity among its patrons. 142 To create the second scene the sun and row of daisies are knitted as if reflected in water. 143 Prices, however, reflected these origins and such goods were beyond the reach of average income earners. 144 That is part of what downsizing is all about, yet down-sizing is not reflected in official indexes of capacity. 145 To pick up the reflected signals, the cellphone has to be held steady for a few seconds, says Lubecke. 146 Policy choices reflected what governments perceived as the major threats to the cohesion and survival of the state. 147 Similar conservatism is reflected in the treatment of revenue from feudal dues. 148 The black jurors who voted to acquit Simpson reflected the attitudes of their communities and brought their life experiences into the courtroom. 149 The Calatrava exhibition in October received exceptional coverage which was reflected in the numbers attending the exhibition. 150 Those protests reflected popular desires for democracy, but Mr Gbagbo has proved a disappointment to those awaiting a new era.