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211 Their different personalities are reflected in their deportment on court, Davenport's walk far more diffident than Williams's confident strut. 212 The immediate success of these fillings, and the brown bread they came in, reflected John Bull's broadening palate. 213 Reservations about formal interdisciplinary alliances may be reflected in a reluctance to purchase compilations of papers delivered in an interdisciplinary symposium. 214 Gene Taylor, D-Miss., but it reflected concerns a number of lawmakers voiced Tuesday about constituent complaints. 215 Those technical aspects are reflected not only in the wins and losses, but the style of play. 216 The red light of fires reflected from the hairless cranium. 217 The election's last-minute switch to Labour probably reflected a genuine desire on some voters' part to get the Tories out. 218 The anniversary had remained trapped in the unconscious, never reflected on. 219 In the event the poll was countermanded, but the affair reflected badly on the government and the Janata Dal. 220 But there is little doubt it reflected views held strongly in the Oval Office. 221 This augurs well for the future and should be reflected in some good team gala results this coming season. 222 It would seem at first sight feasible to calculate this size in a way which reflected precisely the actual use for each category. 223 Makine is a good writer, poetic but never fanciful, and one who treats childhood reflected through experience with delicacy. 224 They have explored the extent to which they reflected mass aspirations and their role in the political outcome of the revolution. 225 The tension was also reflected in West Beirut, where support for the blockade began to diminish. 226 After a while she noticed his reflected look and looked back, chewing on the leather chinstrap. 227 It was not every night, she reflected, that she dined with a secret agent. 228 Sir John eased himself into his great chair at the top of the table and gloomily reflected on the past. 229 Fewer consumers will be reflected by a decrease in demand. 230 The decline in earnings reflected the more difficult trading environment experienced by our downstream oil and chemicals businesses. 231 In addition a sky wave is reflected back to earth over large distances. 232 I can assure the hon. Gentleman that his concerns are well reflected in all the discussions between operators and Ministers. 233 The observed inter-element correlations are reflected by the four major factors identified in a principle component analysis. 234 Until recently company law, with its relative freedom from stringent regulations, reflected this national belief. 235 Inpart, this retreat reflected a natural contraction in foreign policy concerns by a number of members. 236 Widespread sympathy for the ambulance workers was reflected in the flow of public contributions of financial support. 236try its best to collect and create good sentences. 237 The characteristic styles of great architects and designers may be seen clearly reflected - Chippendale, Sheraton, Adam and Hepplewhite. 238 Franco's concern with internal equilibrium was also reflected in the occupants of what were arguably the two most important cabinet posts. 239 The results reflected combined operations from the merger of Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, which took effect Aug. 1. 240 The Romans were interested in conveying aspects of individual character as these were reflected in personal appearance.