快好知 kuaihz

(31) Gladys was crippled by polio at the age of 3. (32) It is not decent to laugh at a crippled person. (33) Laser fire began to slice through the crippled purestrain. (34) Asia's economy has been crippled by inflation. (35) One is a little girl crippled by cerebral palsy. (36) Dead of heart attacks, crippled old men like me. (37) The accident crippled her for life. (38) Tremayne and Gareth wouldn't be crippled by undeserved shame. (39) One thing you can't hide - is when you're crippled inside.John Lennon (40) They knew they had entered small-arms range when a hail of bullets crippled the steering. (41) An ambulance service volunteered its equipment to transport a severely crippled man home for weekends. (42) Thus, under its definitions, no one is crippled and no one is handicapped in this society. (43) A fight ensued which left one man dead, one crippled for life and several with lasting scars. (44) Somewhere they knew they had crippled her life, and their own responses were inadequate. (45) John was born crippled and with cerebral palsy but could run, walk and jump. (46) Stock prices finished mostly higher in a session significantly quieted by a blizzard that crippled much of the East Coast. (47) Crippled in a hang gliding accident, Gary has fought his disability and the sceptics to earn his wings. (48) Crippled by an inmate, he faces the rest of his life as an invalid. (49) The country's main port, Chittagong, was crippled and the entire salt producing industry around Cox's Bazar destroyed. (50) She left one dead, one born and two crippled for life, one way or the other. (51) The cash will go to help keep businesses alive, save jobs and boost the crippled property market. (52) Outraged residents protested last night over the decision to allow the crippled aircraft to fly over their homes. (53) She took Oxfordshire Health Authority to court, claiming excessive doses of radiation had crippled her. (54) Full leg braces brought the severely crippled to a standing position, but learning to use these devices required much practice. (55) In a wild chase the crews finally overtake a very old and crippled whale. (56) In the 1920s, they were leaders in a series of bloody strikes that crippled Hawaiian sugar cane growers. (57) Agriculture is crippled, too, by the miserable conditions on the collective farms. (58) Read in studio Two and a half million families are being crippled by mounting debts according to an independent report just released. (59) We speak of some one who is stiff-necked long before they may become crippled with arthritis. (60) Inner-city hospitals are being crippled by a serious gap in medical technology.