快好知 kuaihz

61, There was, once upon a time, another book from which this kind of scientific certainty was derived. 62, There was a certainty - a vitality - in his every movement, such that even the slightest hesitancy was telling. 63, Statistics grapples with the quantification of such nebulous concepts as probability, certainty and error. 64, The one thing that can be said with certainty about mildew is that it is unpredictable. 65, This has the advantage for the medical profession of certainty, but does not allow for children maturing at different ages. 66, They were up against the absolute certainty of guilt expressed by all the parties weighed against them. 67, Doubts are raised about the certainty of their own ideas. 68, The only certainty was that she had a few seconds to act. 69, The long blades clashed and rang, their movement too fast for the eye to follow with certainty. 70, When the basic concepts have been established the assumption of certainty will be removed. 71, I knew of only one other certainty and he had no knowledge of his disease. 72, If we define the modern in this way, the postmodern begins wherever foundationalist certainty ends. 73, Guidelines would give a degree of certainty to everyone, including the Transportation Department. 74, In this realm, there is no controversy between Christians, only the certainty of doubtful origins. 75, In many cases it may be impossible to predict with certainty whether or not a particular clause will be effective. 76, The threat to truth as the goal of science is not just a threat to absolute certainty. 77, For they know with absolute certainty that one day it will come. 78, Concepts such as proportionality or legal certainty may be able to provide a more finely tuned approach. 79, The standardization of textual requirements was an equally important contribution of the Hague Rules to the certainty of the ocean bill. 80, It can already be said with virtual certainty that lamb will never be as cheap again. 81, All he had was the certainty that whatever steps had been taken that day had led them in one direction only. 82, They needed to know, with enough certainty to avoid embarrassment, inconvenience, and lawsuits when the building was completed. 83, Her exalted moment of remembrance expired, she sighed in her relief and in her certainty of purpose. 84, All she could recall with any certainty was the tender, soothing voice in a dream that was rapidly becoming a nightmare. 85, The great auk is one of the few creatures whose final hours can be documented with such certainty. 86, Elsewhere there is greater flexibility, less certainty and a more liberal approach to economic and political diversity. 87, As this dream-man called Duvall advanced towards him in slow motion, Jimmy's dream-brain raced, providing answers with utter certainty. 88, In his face there was a hard, uncompromising certainty about things; in some strange way it reminded Lehmann of Berdichev. 89, In the warm sunlight, I feel with certainty that my world is expanding and my mind with it. 90, No detectable makeup clutters a face that can go steely with the certainty of design convictions.