快好知 kuaihz

121, Proving Koch's postulates would of course be unethical and controversy is fuelled by this lack of scientific certainty. 122, The demand for certainty and the insecurity behind it belong to this same tradition. 123, Concern for comfort, health and certainty are inevitable outcomes of this physiological decline. 124, In contrast, the future spot price can not be known with certainty precisely because it is a future price. 125, Where human life is at stake, a much greater degree of certainty is required. 126, We can maintain with relative certainty that at least some of the mummies owed obedience if not allegiance to the Xiongnu shanyu. 127, A father's self-confidence and certainty were transformed into disorientation, self-doubt and a morbid contemplation of death. 128, He has equipped him, too, with a moral certainty which the Rat recognises and envies. 129, Facilities such as these will allow the engineer to possibly gain deeper systems understanding and through this obtain greater diagnostic certainty. 130, There are few predictable elements to this conflict -- the only certainty is that the situation will worsen before it gets better. 131, Other individual fluctuations can be assigned to specific causes with reasonable certainty. 132, A low degree of certainty calls for a low structure. 133, That is, the position of a particle could not be defined with absolute certainty, but only by statistical probability. 134, The valley was fertile, and a good crop was a near certainty. 135, Smith, the highest jumper in the world last year, was expected to be a certainty for gold at Crystal Palace. 136, First, it entails defining the site's boundaries beforehand, and these are not always known with certainty. 137, The search for certainty of this sort requires that one side of a dichotomy be privileged while its other is denigrated. 138, That the practice of spiritual marriages can not with any certainty be traced back into the first century eliminates the third possibility. 139, A theory is meant to predict, to control,[http://] to create certainty. 140, The only certainty in this airline shake-out is that, ultimately, it is going to cost the traveller a lot. 141, How then can religious certainty be based upon the inevitably shaky foundation of historical investigation? 142, He never was in earnest, Cadfael reflected with certainty, and it would spoil his sport to use contrivance. 143, This passage is somewhat unsatisfactory in its lack of certainty and in the wide discretion it appears to leave to the courts. 144, Certainty is also threatened by the work of fraudsters, forgers, and modern day pirates and buccaneers. 145, The theory therefore analyses the certainty required for a knowledge claim as the belief that the two subjunctive conditionals are satisfied. 146, That there will at some unknown point in the future be such a crisis is a complete certainty. 147, They walk on into their water kingdom with grounded certainty and are quickly obscured by the dark and bitty sea. 148, A possibility of future heartbreak against the certainty of present pain ... It seemed like a fair exchange. 149, Had felt the overpowering certainty of the man behind the words and, again, recognised the echo in himself. 150, That question is more difficult, because of the level of detailed evidence which is required to answer it with certainty.