快好知 kuaihz

31. With your help we can end this needless tragedy. 32. Needless to say, some did survive and prosper. 33. Citric comes from citrus fruits, needless to say. 34. Needless to say, this is nonsense. 35. Needless to say, it was a winning combination. 36. All those years of scrimping may have been needless. 37. Needless to say, she was not in the chorus as she had legs like inverted beer bottles. 38. Needless to say, swing has been enjoying a rebirth lately, with ordinary folk getting into the craze. 39. Needless to say you can link directly to the vendor's Web site from the listings. 40. A pied-piper's trail of opportunity discarded, needless abasement endured, and a grievous ransom paid in blood and treasure. 41. Any good ante-bellum history will detail the stupidities that led to this utterly needless conflagration. 42. There is, needless to say, some bitterness and disappointment that no system emerged after considerable expenditure. 43. Needless to say, cigarette vending machines in the United States dispense packs of 20. 44. Why take needless risks? 45. Needless to say, the band was run on cooperative lines with no one in particular leading. 46. They suggest avoiding the roll-on may resolve the problem and save thousands of needless biopsies each year. 47. Needless loss of life resulted from a policy that emphasized backing away from provocation and discouraging self-defense. 48. Needless to say, no lunch for him, as he retreated amidst hoots and laughter, carrying the offending object. 49. We hear so much talk about cost effectiveness yet every time the management structure changes, resources are wasted on needless things. 50. Needless to say, nothing was officially published on modernism in those years, apart from paranoid diatribes in the press. 51. Needless to say, frequent arguments broke out as to whose turn it was to ride or pull. 52. Needless to say, this system by no means produced the religious liberty for which people had originally fought. 53. Needless to say it has so far proved difficult to find any sacrificial lambs among the building trade. 54. Needless to say, this is not going to be the last word in the debate between the constructivists and the nativists. 55. I strongly disapprove of needless bloodshed, be the blood flowing from human veins or otherwise. 56. Needless to say, there are many possible ways of turning this rule into practice. 57. Needless to say, I wasn't asked for a repeat performance! 58. Needless to say, all that was left was a blank paper where all his hard work had been. 59. Needless to say, we received a final test score of 100 percent as well as a pat on the back. 60. Needless to say Kyle would push his hand away or quickly grab the train back and put it back where it belonged.