快好知 kuaihz

121. Never a needless jar was made. 122. Needless to say, I agree with you. 123. It is needless to sweep a clean floor. 124. Needless to say, we rejected the Soviet definition. 125. The result can be a lot of needless prevarication. 126. He crossed off the needless words in his composition. 127. It was a needless endeavour. 128. You cannot even being yourself, needless to indoctrinate others. 129. Prevent oily recipe brand-newly, prevent skin excretive grease and opaque particle to condense, avoid needless awkwardness . 130. Contested Guardianship proceedings will result in your Estate incurring needless expense. 131. If one is enough, a second although useful is needless. 132. It's in that context, needless to say, that I'd like to take a look at these two interesting passages on the sheet that has Anton Chekhov on one side and Henry James on the other. 133. Needless to say, navigation safety of marine train ferry represents the main focus of the development. 134. Needless to say, since it's a sacred scripture, the meaning of it is important to you. 135. Contemporary in decorating, contracted creed the brief, slam the door with pursuit bedroom space is needless " buckish " and be popular. 136. " Needless to say, you'll be the lucky one,'said the voice of Ming - feng , with a giggle. 137. Needless to say, his executors didn't adhere to the 500-year diktat and the American public continue to adore him regardless. 138. Needless to say monetary union was a significant surrender of monetary sovereignty. 139. Needless to say, Chinese prose is all consisted by Hanzi. 140. Needless to say, the landowner was bitterly distressed about this behaviour. 141. DSLs tend to create more compact code, boiling away needless verbose syntax. 142. To avoid neatless needless treatment, scientist scientists have developed a blood test. 143. Needless to say the performance was lacking so with the G4 I began making custom built intake manifolds. 144. Needless to say, we shall refund any expenses you may incur. 145. Needless to say the Golden there're company is zillionaire Smith company because of the popularity of potato chips and profit from it. 146. The only thing he could regret was his needless dread. 147. Needless to say perspiring ,[www.] we are not afraid of shedding blood or sacrificing ourselves. 148. That tactic, needless to say, leads to endless acrimony at the IWC's meetings. 149. "Certain environmental cues can trigger your reflexive brain into needless panic, while others can prime you for creative thinking or calm reflection, " Achor notes. 150. Needless to say, the delay in delivery has put us to great inconvenience.