快好知 kuaihz

1. The sun's heat vaporizes the water of the ocean. 2. The benzene vaporized and formed a huge cloud of gas. 3. Water vaporizes when it boils. 4. Most meteorites striking the Earth vaporize instantly. 5. Water vaporizes when boiled. 6. Then, just as suddenly, that unity vaporized. 7. The vaporized gasoline is processed into hydrogen, water and carbon dioxide. 8. But even vaporized as the bond market is, it holds tremendous sway over our times. 9. Some would never appear, vaporized, lost for ever, having ceased to exist. 10. Competition will produce jobs instead of vaporizing them, according to this view. 11. Some liquid will vaporize to fill the additional space. 12. How does a laser beam vaporize steel? 13. The steam produced in vaporize pan reached the condense pipe through guide plate. 14. Use 5-6W output power laser to cauterize and vaporize verruca plantaris to get rid of the brown colored pathological changes. 15. That is why heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause bodies to expand. 16. Radio waves would vaporize the waste, which would then be sent into a magnetic bottle containing a thin, trapped plasma. 17. VAPORIZE sets free a body fat reducing phenomenon so extraordinary it defies description! 18. The vaporize, condense, overflow and guide plate inner are made in stainless steel. 19. Chemicals in showering water vaporize at a much faster rate than the actual water. 20. During surgery, doctors sometimes use a laser beam to vaporize tiny blood vessels. 21. What he really felt was that Liam Shakespeare had been vaporized. 22. But where the lava erupted, whole communities have been vaporized. 23. When agitated, liquid ozone reorganizes into oxygen molecules with the release of sufficient heat to vaporize all the liquid. 24. The fire was so hot that water from the fire hoses vaporized. 25. For all they know, metal hydrogen may always be unstable and quickly vaporize. 26. In general, lunar rocks differ from terrestrial rocks in that the Moon contains much lower concentrations of easily vaporized elements. 27. In truth, lunette ray ban, most of your sense of taste really comes from your significance of odor - which is why coffee can taste so substantial and vaporize. 28. Also , especially when aspherical, an effective way to vaporize excess cash for almost no good reason. 29. Group CO2 laser: Use 5-6W output power laser to cauterize and vaporize verruca plantaris to get rid of the brown colored pathological changes. 30. The meteors are debris from this comet that enter Earth's atmosphere and vaporize as they fall.