快好知 kuaihz

31. Light up the burner head and allow the flame to burn for 2 to 3 minutes before blowing it off. Once the burner head is heated up, the diffuser will vaporize the essential oil in a flameless manner. 32. All cryogenic liquids produce large volumes of gas when they vaporize. 33. Liquid will vaporize to replace the gas that was removed, absorbing the heat of vaporization from the remaining liquid and the container. 34. The heat from the water is used to vaporize a low - boiling liquid. 35. The Chemistry and Camera instrument, seen above before a recent test firing at Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico, uses a pulsed laser beam to vaporize a pinhead-size piece of material. 36. You can vaporize it and then condense it back again. 37. Supposing the sun gets closer, the sea would vaporize completely and gone. 38. The earth will in time vaporize with its material and disperse.