快好知 kuaihz

military government造句
1 The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations. 2 The group aims to overthrow the military government. 3 The military government dissolved the injunction. 4 The military government repressed the striking workers. 5 A military government took control . 6 A provisional military government took office . 7 The military government dissolved the country's parliament. 8 Left-wing groups engineered a coup against the military government. 9 He was a creature of the military government. 10 They demanded that the military government free all political prisoners. 11 The plot to overthrow the military government was foiled . 12 The military government is determined to put down all opposition. 13 The military government is trying to stop the supply of guns to the rebels. 14 The king was merely a tool of the military government. 15 The king was just the tool of the military government. 16 The military government has been unable to win popular support. 17 The military government banned private citizens from carrying guns. 18 This emphasised that after military government was terminated the civil Governor would return to function as sole authority until December 1948. 19 This is after the economic miracle, drastic military government,[www.] unserviceable debt. 20 All opponents or suspected opponents of the military government are being detained. 21 The military government is reported to have begun granting timber concessions to logging companies in areas opened up by oil company roads. 22 Widespread opposition to the military government led to violence in the streets. 23 Hodge lamented the rift between the military government and the rightists after their earlier cooperation. 24 The military government is refusing to transfer power to a democratically elected civilian government. 25 Severe food shortages have led to rioting against the military government. 26 There was a relatively peaceful transfer of power from the military government to the new democracy. 27 He was put in prison after publicly criticizing the military government. 28 After some years of deliberating, the sharia court, not the military government, ruled that interest-free banking be implemented. 29 Than Tun stepped up the propaganda campaign to end military government. 30 Rhee intensified his pressure in the early months of 1947 and became more outspoken in criticising the military government.