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31. Due to its trait of "no intrusiveness", the Spring framework can easily integrate Hibernate to replace Entity Bean's O/R mapping solution and excellent Struts framework. 32. In the Hibernate mapping file, by Configure the lazy attribute to determine the search strategy. 33. Tools such as Hibernate and TopLink have made it much easier to map an object model into a relational database schema. 34. The documents include, HIBERNATE configuration, the one - to - many. many - to - many . another is usually more of its own operations. 35. With the hilo optimizer, your sequence can't be used by other applications unless they also employ the same logic as in Hibernate. 36. You can't hibernate the winter away, but whenever possible, avoid situations where contagious people congregate. 37. After gorging itself, the colo retreats to its cave dwelling to hibernate and digest. 38. Qu Xiaodong thinks, itself falls in economic crisis, all companies need to prepare hibernate through systole. 39. Type org.hibernate for the name parameter and click on the addLoggerMBean button. 40. Himself wrote a struts + Spring + Hibernate testing procedures more appropriate to self - learning beginners. 41. Hibernate a box turtle that hasn't been completely cleared of internal parasites. 42. Struts and Hibernate are open source frameworks and commonly used. 43. Until recently no primate, and no tropical mammal, was known to hibernate. 44. Hibernate is an open source and lightweight level data persistence ORM tool. 45. Hibernate a box turtle the first season you have it, as potential health problems may be latent and might not have shown as outward symptoms. 46. Though they do not truly hibernate, bears often fitfully through much of the winter. 47. Don't hibernate in your office no matter how busy you are. 48. You must free some disk space before your computer can hibernate. 49. Ever hibernate a box turtle in an area where there is ANY chance of flooding. They can and do drown! 50. Hibernate a box turtle that has shown ANY sign of illness, weight loss, or other ailment within the past year. 51. Though they do not truly hibernate , bears often sleep fitfully through much of the winter. 52. Some warm - blooded animals do not need to hibernate. 53. Hibernate applications can use c3p0 connection pooling to enable statement caching in J2SE applications. 54. Read our article on creating shortcuts to restart, shut down, hibernate, or sleep mode. 55. He's trying to fatten Dan up so they can hibernate together. 56. The first and foremost problem of having to integrate Hibernate with JSF is that a controlled session and transaction handling is needed. 57. A similar example of using annotations to convey metainformation is the sets of annotations defined for use with Hibernate and EJB3 for expressing persistence requirements in POJOs (see Resources). 58. When animals hibernate naturally, for instance, the suspended state appears to protect them from injuries. 59. As a counterexample, Brown mentions a project using three persistence solutions: Spring, EJB and Hibernate. 60. North of near future our country drops in temperature generally, partial area snowfall, and hiemal 3 inferior still warmth if spring, attracted a tourist to come round to hibernate.