root造句61. Our service is obsolete, requiring root and branch reform.
62. The government has pledged itself to root out corruption.
63. I'll have a root beer float, please.
64. The root of the problem is lack of trust.
65. The young trees have struck root.
66. They root out every part of the building.
67. Time would be needed for democracy to take root.
68. It is a moral question at root.
69. Racism must be eliminated, root and branch.
70. Root the cuttings in peat.
71. I can't remember the sign for "square root".
72. We need to root out corruption at all levels.
73. Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness.
74. How do you find the square root of 20?
75. The word 'secretary' comes from the same Latin root as the word 'secret'.
76. This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops.
77. It is impossible to root out this disease in a few years.
78. Fortunately, militarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole.
79. She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground.
80. Security defined in the broad/broadest sense of the term means getting at the root causes of trouble and helping to reduce regional conflicts.
81. His fears of loneliness lay at the very root of his inability to leave.
82. Tony Blair last night tightened his grip on Labour mps with new powers to root out trouble-makers.
83. We need to get to the root of the problem before we can solve it.
84. Insert the fork about 6in. from the root and simultaneously lever it backwards.
84. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
85. We need to root out inefficiencies in the production process.
86. 'Walk' is the root of 'walks', 'walked', 'walking' and 'walker'.
87. The forces of National Socialism were transforming Germany root and branch.
88. Economists believe that economic recovery will begin to take root next year.
89. We have to get to the root of the problem.
90. Action is being taken to root out corruption in the police force.