快好知 kuaihz

31. The only alternative is to turn to the chapter itself and skim the pages for a clearer insight. 32. He threw a flat stone and watched it skim the surface of the lake. 33. To remove any trace of ripples I use a freshly sharpened 2in wide, shallow curved scraper for the final skim. 34. It is advisable to leave the bucket loosely covered and not to skim off the yeast head. 35. I have attached a copy of the 1992 Annual Report, which you may be able to skim through. 36. Skim milk must be fortified with vitamin A to contain 2, 000 international units per quart. 37. Eventually, you can skim over those cracks with joint compound and repaint. 38. Don't buy silver-top and skim off the cream yourself, because this doesn't provide an equivalent calorie saving. 39. If desired, add nuts, celery, 131 Remove from heat and skim off excess fat. 40. Skim fat from cooking broth and reduce broth over high heat for 5 to 7 minutes to concentrate flavors and thicken slightly. 41. Fluid skim milk costs more than nonfat dry milk reconstituted by the consumer. 42. Yogurt is a cultured milk product prepared from either whole or skim milk. 43. From here I watch a patrol of pelicans skim the ocean surface while waves crash against the rocks. 44. Plasterboard is easiest for giving a neat finish, as a skim coat will mask the join between board and existing plaster. 45. They just wipe it clean, leaving a natural skim that works better than non-stick surfaces developed by space-age scientists. 46. Or substitute skim milk or fat-free yogurt for whole milk. 47. Skim off excess fat from pan, and add shallots, juniper berries, and bay leaves. 48. Many read the first paragraph, skim the body, and read the closing. 49. There was a skim of grease that shone in the fluorescent light of the Kitchen. 50. Skim off fat and add the remaining juices to the cream sauce. 51. Cover loosely and keep in a warm place for about 4 hours. Skim off any foam. 52. One such is made with corn oil and skim milk; another, soybean oil and sodium caseinate. 53. But corporate-responsibility campaigners and ethical consumers are only beginning to skim the surface. 54. We should be glad we skim over these fields of pillows in Alvin. 55. And would he run out first, and get a quart of skim milk, please? 56. Skim milk distributed at retail is frequently a reconstituted product prepared from nonfat dry solids and unpolluted water. 57. Cultured buttes-milk is pasteurized skim milk or low-fat milk that has been soured by lactic acid producing bacteria or other similar culture. 58. It would take a hundred lifetimes merely to skim the surface and, alas, we are only given one. 59. Using a large spoon, skim most of the fat off the pan drippings. 60. Skim off the fat.