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91. A low - fat muffin, a wedge of cantaloupe, and a cup of latte made with skim milk. 92. Very few restaurants outside Starbucks carry whole milk, 2 percent milk, skim milk, and half-and-half; it's just not practical. 93. The extracellular proteases ( ECPase ) of 100 Escherichia coli strains were detected by using the skim milk plate. 94. Just with a click on to the web, you can skim through historical relics of Paris. 95. Jump-start your calcium intake by filling your coffee mug with skim or 1 percent milk, drinking it down to the level you want in your coffee, then pouring in your caffeine fix. 96. The Canada geese know this place, as do the white swans and the ducks who ride an inch above the waves of Chesapeake Bay as the skim their way into harbor. 97. I first skim an English passage ( read over passage quickly ) then go back and read carefully. 98. Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it? 99. Not only will did I see an increase in comprehension by applying this method, I also found myself reading much faster because my brain knew it was OK to skim the non-essential. 100. He tried to skim off the best players for the school team. 101. A hard, sharp, dry Italian cheese made from skim milk and usually served grated asgarnish. 102. Look at the way those insects skim over the water. 103. The skim milk substitutes for cream -- we are on a strict diet. 104. Skim serum is an industrial effluent from rubber factories. It is of higher BOD and contains about 1% protein and 0.05-0.3% ammoniacal nitrogen, etc. 105. Don't read the report word for word now; just skim it. 106. At any coffee house , Sandon says, you can order a latte with skim or nonfat milk. 107. POSISEAL PS # 2 DPS has a light milky appearance ( similar to skim milk ) but dries clear & flat . 108. Does private education skim off all the best students from the state system? 109. They skim past like boats of papyrus, like eagles swooping down on their prey. 110. She started to skim through the report, then slowed down, then stopped. 111. I only had time to skim through the novels, but It'seemed very interesting. 112. Tips for removing milk solids from clarified butter; learn how to skim the milk fat when making clarified butter in this free cooking techniques video. 113. When I start to read a book, I always skim over the contents first. 114. The gravy is too greasy; skim off some of the fat before you serve it. 115. Downstream products including Hemostatic sponges, wound dressings, medical skim medical absorbent cotton, gauze, gauze bandages, elastic bandages, plaster bandage, band, etc. 116. The gravy is too greasy: skim off some of the fat before you can serve it. 117. When you skim milk you take the thin layer of cream off the surface. 118. Flying fish, It'seems, use this effect to their advantage as they skim across the sea. 119. Crude exopolysaccharides LCP were prepared from cell-free whey of skim milk fermented by Lactobacillus casei LC2W by eliminating proteins with trichloroacetic acid and precipitating with cold ethanol. 120. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermented in skim milk were analyzed by high performance ion - exchange chromatograph.