start with造句121. It goes without saying that you start with the bottom step, to prevent the concrete falling through to the one below.
122. I'm not going to Vegas. To start with, I don't like gambling, and I also can't get time off work.
123. The dieter would start with a fast, then work up to 1, 200 calories a day.
124. The sale of state firms would be start with the transport, energy, land use and housing sectors, Aznar said.
125. In any case, let's adjust the mundane balance of recent decades and start with the slow bowlers.
126. Knowing how much was there to start with and how much remains determines how much time has passed.
127. And it's obvious that he's made a start with the clunch pit murder; but that isn't noted either.
128. The scheme for parents would have to start with a really adequate level of child benefits.
129. Can we have a bit or order here? Someone straighten those desks out to start with!
130. The routine for knitting double jacquard is to start with the carriages at the right and threaded with the background colour.
131. To start with it can replace taped announcements at railway stations, airports, etc.
132. To start with, imagine you are given just the physical outline of adults of several species.
133. In use To start with, the Dimension was dead on arrival.
134. Would it be possible to start with a full container of water and add marbles and sand?
135. The Classical Blueprint Let's start with the classical detective story, sometimes called the old-fashioned detective story.
136. Start with a five-hundred pound piece of cast iron sitting on the floor.
137. We start with three families of large black and white waders.
138. You start with a group of nine panels of different colours and musical notes.
139. Fortunately, the easiest species to start with are also among the most beautiful.
140. Boldon, on the other hand, have made a great start with three successive wins.
141. Where there is no love to start with, there is nothing of an abstract nature to withhold.
142. Let us start with the case that probably involves the heaviest hand on the controls, that is, state ownership.
143. So, start with a stem and gradually build up your design from that.
144. When you start with reading for enjoyment then proceed to write that is the strongest base.
145. This process abandons the old idea that it is necessary to start with a two-carbon feedstock to make the two-carbon acetic acid.
146. The transcripts start with either coding segment 1 or segment 2; coding segments 1 and 5 are mutually exclusive.
147. We assume to start with that the weighted patterns provide a rough guide to playing the game.
148. To start with, the governor made a short speech welcoming the visiting dignitaries.
149. So if there is any doubt, it is probably best to start with the elimination diet procedure described in Chapter Fourteen.
150. Most start with a welt and then change to the main stitch and there may even be some shaping to do.