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211. In his day, he said, students were grounded in spelling and had learned poetry and the Bible by heart. 212. The system can only attempt to deal with possible errors of recognition or spelling. 213. If you wanted to spell check it, you had to buy a spelling checker. 214. Returning from music, the twenty minutes left before lunch are given over to review for a spelling test. 215. She still has trouble with the spelling of some words. 216. They cheated in a spelling test together and they played kiss chase in the playground. 217. Make certain your punctuation, spelling and grammar are letter-perfect. 218. I thought a phonetic spelling might aid in pronunciation. 219. His Spelling Book everywhere was opening blinded eyes. 220. The examiner is testing our spelling tomorrow. 221. You won an adult Thanksgiving day spelling bee. 222. Have an eye to spelling in your answer sheets. 223. While hairbrained continues to be used, it should be avoided in favor of harebrained which has been established as the correct spelling. 224. The uncannily accurate spelling correction and word prediction on Windows Phone? 225. Words like " believe " and " receive " are a source of confusion in spelling. 226. However, the blogger who first wrote about it, noticed that the name tags didn't have names in it, the poor quality of building materials and "Apple Stoer" written with a spelling error on the signs. 227. The American English spelling for the word " controll " is " control ". 228. The stock transaction which the banker was spelling out was fair. 229. Bonus Site : ASL Fingerspelling: Test your American Sign Language chops by watching online spelling demos and guessing the word. 230. For example, a tester using the second style would find it easier to overlook a spelling error in the confirmation popup, or even that it was the wrong popup. 231. Both grammar and spelling are important in the Listening Sub-test. You must spell words 100% correctly when they are spelt out for you in the recording. 232. Usually Latin words, Greek words and anagrammatic spelling are used as brand names in English. 233. Please describe his skill level in organizing ideas, using proper grammar and spelling, and expressing thoughts creatively. 233.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 234. A bonus of up to 5 per cent can be added to a pupil's final exam marks as a reward for good spelling, punctuation and grammar. 235. Webster's longest lasting legacy is the changes he proposed in spelling. 236. While you're in the "Options", go to "Spelling" and check "Check spelling before publishing", too — this will launch the spell-checker automatically when you go to publish your post. 237. Grammatical errors are always obvious to me, spelling mistakes stand out. 238. Before delivering the job, run the spelling and grammar checker once more, just for safety's sake. 239. Continuous dark and mysterious - flashes of steady light emanate from inside the crystals, spelling sheer elegance. 240. Does your voice - activated typewriter have trouble spelling " futuristic "?