spelling造句241. Betty : I bet you settle for the spelling bee. At least they don't hurt your ears.
242. Others are very easy to see and improve search efficiency in a very clear way, such as spelling correction, annotations, and suggestions.
243. Your custom dictionary is full or corrupt, or the spelling checker files may be damaged.
244. Russian spelling is phonetic.
245. Spelling checker: A computer program that compares a text file with a spelling dictionary and marks any words that are not recognized as correctly spelled.
246. With the use of computability theory dividing whole-word coding into two parts: writing-input coding and computational coding(Sentence dictionary), an method of none keyboard mapping for spelling language is proposed.
247. Spelling is my Achilles'heel.
248. My dear mates, today we will hold English spelling contest, students are welcome to participate ...
249. She was the first place contestant in the spelling bee.
250. The spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also.
251. Penning notes of appreciation to gift-givers teaches gratitude and helps polish writing and spelling skills.
252. With adequate examples, this paper analyzes three forms of the lexical deviation used in advertising discourse, that is, parody, anagrammatical spelling and coinage.
253. Format : Essays must be typed or word - processed, double-spaced , and adequately margined, should include a title, and need to observe the conventions of grammar and spelling.
254. Point to your math book. Point to your spelling book.
255. I've finished writing the report on the word processor and running it through a spelling checker.
256. What compound expression dictation request is listens, to understand, remembered, the spelling, organizes five body's abilities.
257. The phonetic spelling will tell you generally behind a word is pronounced.
258. It is possible to make rules about English spelling, but there are so many exceptions that the rules are not always helpful.
259. They all need knowledge of the alphabetic code and the skills of blending sounds for reading and segmenting the spoken word for spelling whether they learn to read easily or find it difficult.
260. Spelling checker dictionary to British English, Dutch, French, German and Italian.
261. Double-check the spelling of your name and details of your address so there are no disputes about the proper copyright ownership.
262. Full marks for those who saw the spelling error in the name of the Great Teacher! Pat yourself on the back and award yourself a gold star.