快好知 kuaihz

31. Perhaps, as my niece would say, I should buy myself a new dictionary. 32. His niece, who is a little unbalanced, took this very badly, despite the fact she herself was a substantial legatee. 33. A niece took over the post office when she married, and it was moved to the present premises. 34. My niece is only little, but already she is susceptible to it, wearing T-shirts and baseball caps. 35. For one, Chilcott had kept his temper, hoping to coax his niece round to his point of view. 36. I spent a half-hour recently putting together the ultimate birthday gift for my 5-year-old niece. 37. Niece, will keep the family tradition going into next generation. 38. As they moved towards the next tee she nodded towards her niece. 39. The upshot of it was: his due pension, and his departure to live with a faraway niece. 40. Morrison said she sent her niece and a nephew to see if anything had reached shore, but they saw nothing. 41. Ephraim even agreed to witness the legal document drawn up between his nephew and niece that effected the change. 42. As they walk they sing a special ballad composed by the archdeacon's niece for the occasion. 43. While he and a niece were playing, Jones suffered a broken left thumb. 44. Mrs Gould and her niece are lodging in the Rising Sun. 45. She also said she and her niece plan to sing some of those numbers during the Fallbrook concert. 45.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 46. Also, strangely, he noted there was a similarity in the faces of the aunt and niece. 47. It's not so much that he's lost a niece, more a potential playmate. 48. Peggy Pine who ran the smart clothes shop said that she might have her young niece staying with her. 49. But it was a note from his niece saying Graham was gone and we would all miss him. 50. Suppose that Sarah Payne were your daughter, niece, or granddaughter. 51. My niece has practiced ballet for six years. 52. Jastrow glanced doubtfully from the Palestinian to his niece. 53. You must teach my niece to take things quietly. 54. My niece ran the quarter mile. 55. Jastrow knit his brow fiercely at his niece. 56. From a lighthouse near a cliff to the Eiffel Tower to your four-year-old niece jumping in a puddle. 57. The Big Giant and his niece, the Little Giantess share an embrace as they are reunited once again, in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on October 3, 2009. 58. Her niece, an extremely voluble young woman, engages in soliloquies, not conversations. 59. Her niece had been searching fruitlessly for her every day since March 12th. 60. My niece sacredly sacrificed a piece of pie to the God.