快好知 kuaihz

61. Miss Ley could not help asking herself if he really loved her niece. 62. As a mother (Raver) deals with the death of her young son, she learns that her niece is being contacted by the boy from beyond the grave. 63. "This is a very special niece, " Dahl says. "My sister died of cancer 10 years ago and it's her youngest daughter. 64. My little niece guards her pocket-money as a queen does her crown jewel. 65. Cho 's great-aunt, Kim Yang-soon, described Cho as "very cold" and said her niece was constantly worried about him, according to an interview translated by the AP. 66. Canine breeders also believe that linebreeding occurs when breeding grandsire to grand-offspring, uncle to niece and aunt to nephew. 67. She thought it brave of her niece even to have dressed. 68. Mrs. Gardiner then rallied her niece Wickham's desertion, and complimented her on bearing It'so well. 69. Under his enlightenment and encouragement, his niece and granddaughter have also started to learn the technique of gourd pyrography . Mr. 70. Fulbert, the canon of Notre Dame, hired Abelard to tutor his niece, Heloise. 71. Within a month, Ferreira's wife, his 6-year-old niece and two of his employees had died from acute radiation syndrome. 72. Mary left her most precious possession — a small bookcase to her niece. 73. In order to prevent his niece, Rhea Silvia, from havIng offsprIng and so contInuIng Numitor's lIneage, Amulius forced her to become a vestal virgIn. 74. Maya Lin was born in Athens, Ohio. She is the niece of Lin Huiyin, who is said to be the first female. 75. The niece of the great Mongol leader, Kubla Khan, Princess Khutulun was described by Marco Polo as the greatest warrior in Khan's army. 76. In 1840 he helped arrange the marriage of his niece, Victoria, to his nephew, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 77. Xizor's long-lost niece, Savan, sought Guri for the valuable Black Sun files contained in her memory core. 78. The aunt felt her niece was mismatched and was openly contemptuous of Hung - chien's abilities and qualifications. 79. Susan had never met Aunt Mary Maria, but a niece of Susan's, the daughter of her sister Matilda, had worked for her in Charlottetown and had told Susan all about her. 80. Fanny Kemblewas the niece of two Shakespearean tragedians, Sarah Siddons and Siddons's brother, John Philip Kemble. 81. We can do that sort of: When you play tic-tac-toe with your seven-year old nephew or niece, you just look ahead and work backwards. 82. First Lady Michelle Obama curtsies with Lynne Silosky, a niece of posthumous Medal of Honor awardee, Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller. 83. Madame Denis, the niece of M. de Voltaire, had been extremely good to me. 84. Retailing for about 65 Australian dollars ($56), the hijood was inspired by Zanetti's young niece who wears the hijab and who also likes to play netball. 85. As easy as these directives can be to ignore while in the kitchen, it's even easier when you're outside and playing with the dog, with the Frisbee, or with your baby niece, Feist notes. 86. Framton turned toward his niece with a look of sympathetic comprehension. 87. Fanny Kemble (1809-93) was the niece of two Shakespearean tragedians, Sarah Siddons and Siddons's brother, John Philip Kemble. 88. The massa's eyes drank in the wet - eyed earnestness of his beloved niece. 89. Altmann is the 90 - year - old niece of Bloch - Bauer , who died in 1925. 90. The Big Giant begins his search through Berlin for his niece, the Little Giantess during a street theatre performance on October 3, 2009.