快好知 kuaihz

1. The conference came to a speedy end. 2. He's a very speedy worker. 3. We wish them all a speedy recovery. 4. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. 5. We wish Bill a speedy recovery. 6. His speedy promotion is from sheer ability. 7. We wish you a speedy recovery . 8. We need to take speedy action/make a speedy decision. 9. We have been dizzied by the speedy development of the new and hight technology. 10. A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting. 11. a speedy recovery. It is used less often to talk about the speed at which something moves:a speedy car. 12. We hope you make a speedy recovery. 13. Dan's speedy recovery confounded the medical experts. 14. The speedy coleslaw adds a cool, refreshing touch. 15. Rose made a speedy approach to him. 16. But Republican leaders were pessimistic about a speedy resolution. 17. I wish you a speedy recovery from this business. 18. Ackerman, the speedy process was a big plus. 19. The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases. 20. So far, government departments have hardly been speedy in coming forward with extra cash. 21. That accounts for the particularly speedy data transfer and seek times you can see in the benchmarks box. 22. Have you finished your composition already? You are very speedy. 23. The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo. 24. But he quickened the tempo of our lives, left us more nervous, speedy, irritable. 25. A card was passed around for those present to send their good wishes for a speedy recovery. 26. For the short term it sees patchy signs of improvement and no speedy recovery. 27. After decades of stagnation, there is a popular groundswell for speedy change and a market economy. 28. I left my office chair to pine for my speedy return and took myself over to the window. 29. The administration designed the package in hopes of winning speedy Senate confirmation for all three. 30. Online forms are provided to make booking a visit as simple and speedy as possible.