快好知 kuaihz

61. Clinton met with Gingrich and other leaders Monday to press them for speedy action on those measures. 62. What is required is a speedy and effective legal procedure which secures corrections and counter-statements by way of an alternative procedure to libel litigation. 63. A good system must be accessible, impartial, speedy, open, and effective. 64. This can often provide the most effective and speedy means of resolving a dispute. 65. Everyone would like to see a speedy resolution to the conflict. 66. Done this in awful haste - forgive if egg-sucking but just first speedy thoughts to turn round a.s.a.p. 67. How can a giraffe more speedy than a jaguar? 68. Speedy and maneuverable , these fighters are nonetheless fragile. 69. You are sly indeed, but not speedy. 70. The accusation brought a speedy denial. 71. The first requirement is a speedy main processor. 72. Air power control, compact, speedy,[http:///speedy.html] easy to operate. 73. This would be a very speedy trial. 74. His fidelity and industry brought him speedy promotion. 75. He is a speedy worker. 76. I wish you a speedy recovery. 77. It is speedy, simple and convenient to pre-treat the samples when adopt the technology of microwave digestion and atomic fluorescence spectrometry for determination of stibium and bismuth in soil. 78. His government has made sharper and faster spending cuts than it originally planned; after a delayed start, the central bank has launched a speedy clean-up of the troubled cajas. 79. Cushioning America's downturn will demand fiscal boldness, but that does not mean eschewing simple, speedy solutions. 80. I'll sell at a discount in return for a speedy sale. 81. By right of efficacy of the internet technique such as large information, opening, speedy, people attach importance to the netnews commentary more and more. 82. Yu: Talking about the biggest characteristic of the circulative software industry, it is that speedy changeable character and long time on the carry on service. 83. Furthermore, in order to real-time computing and display in a two-frequency laser interferometer, a"speedy random pulse subtractor" is developed, its main clue and features are briefly described... 84. Qianhui Headhunting Center provides high quality service to our customers with the tenet of "confidential and trustworthy, accurate and speedy, professional and circumspective , over-valued service". 85. In this way, firms not only can control the market channel acquire market itsits speedy pace. 86. Pray for me Saint ...(name), for with fervour I come to thee, speedy helper and intercessor for my soul. 87. WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy says the months ahead will be a busy period for the organization's 153 member states to press ahead with the Doha negotiations and to move them to a speedy conclusion. 88. Simulated experiment and study were conducted in the speedy heading face in a soft rock roadway with mixed dust collection system and KC-061 Wet Cyclone Dust Collector. 89. She leaps in one bound onto her pony's back for a speedy canter around the ring. 90. How do you like travelling by air? It's very speedy and comfortable. I always enjoy it.