快好知 kuaihz

61. I can hardly see that a mere frigate is going to inconvenience you to all that extent. 62. Who wants to be an inconvenience? Who wants to be in the way? 63. Collecting in Person Despite the time and inconvenience involved, this is the most effective method of collection. 64. And to die in one's sleep without distress to oneself or inconvenience to others is an enviable end. 65. Mere annoyance or irritation caused by inconvenience is not sufficient. 66. In these instances, Cosmos will do the utmost to ensure the least possible inconvenience to our clients. 67. Crowd flow in these three locations is so good that non-conference guests can stay there during even the largest event without inconvenience. 68. This could cause minor inconvenience when, for example, a family wants several hot baths in succession. 69. The earthquake becomes, for him, an inconvenience that requires a sporting response. 70. This saves explanations, searching for hearing aid and general inconvenience. 71. But even she dared not dance, an inconvenience since Harry was plainly bored with this inactivity. 72. Now all of us are sensible of the inconvenience this is causing, so we'll try to hurry. 73. He seemed to be genuinely horrified at the prospect of causing embarrassment or disappointment or inconvenience to another person. 74. I say to Ted, recalling the inconvenience of being a head too tall in a rainstorm. 75. From a financial point of view, the insurance has turned a disaster into an inconvenience. 76. Remember that the nurse will usually feel embarrassed by the inconvenience caused and wish to minimise it as much as possible. 77. The inconvenience of doing this makes the effect on transactions demand rather limited. 78. In the meantime the children and staff of St Patrick's continue to face considerable problems and inconvenience. 79. When their car is taken, they suffer, at the very least, considerable inconvenience and very often substantial financial loss. 80. The hotel manager apologised for the inconvenience, but added that there was nothing he could do. 81. Our aim is to minimise the inconvenience of delays so far as possible. 82. Furious, Honea is screaming about how that will inconvenience the folks in Old Marana, where he lives. 83. To compensate for the inconvenience, the company will be providing two battery replacements. 83.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 84. From 10 to 23 of the month there had been a bus-strike, which had naturally caused a great deal of inconvenience. 85. There is often no provision made, or considered adequate for elderly relatives without causing gross inconvenience to all parties. 86. Despite that inconvenience, the potential savings offering by NuTcracker, should it prove viable, is not insignificant. 87. Obviously Club managements try to ensure that this work is carried out with the minimum of inconvenience to guests. 88. So, twice a week she had the inconvenience of having to travel to Bristol for treatment. 89. For many who use e-mail in their businesses, the busy signals are more than an inconvenience. 90. Bemoaning the difficulty is no solution, even though lack of attendance will be to the inconvenience of both parties.