快好知 kuaihz

91. We enjoy its company but we are not prepared to tolerate any inconvenience. 92. Sometimes the symptoms of a medical condition seem only an inconvenIence during the day but become a major irritant at night. 93. This caused inconvenience and a certain amount of grumbling-what was taking so long? 94. Such problems would inconvenience existing passengers and may deter potential users. 95. Dare they call her bluff and just let her get on with whatever she thought she could do to inconvenience them? 96. Our action must reflect an attitude of genuine sorrow for causing them pain or inconvenience. 97. The advantage to teachers will then outweigh the inconvenience caused when we set up the scheme. 98. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. 99. He points out each gesture and every act he performs only for my sake and at great inconvenience to himself. 100. Consequently, odours may amount to a public nuisance if they substantially inconvenience a sufficient number of people. 101. The two year ban which he received has been no more than a minor inconvenience to him. 102. The result is inconvenience and confusion to families who wish to visit licensed premises. 103. By dispensing with the inconvenience of actually having to go somewhere to vote, they induce more voters to participate in elections. 104. The airport announced that due to bad weather all flights were cancelled, and they regretted any inconvenience this would cause. 105. And then there would have been the further inconvenience of the nursemaid. 106. Fortunately, Gerald found an office job, with a national charity, and his symptoms were only a slight inconvenience. 107. Budget cuts in bus and train services will greatly inconvenience commuters. 108. London local authorities had delayed hearing petitioners' cases and put them to considerable inconvenience. 109. On the whole we are too ashamed to use inconvenience as a way of changing behaviour because it seems dishonest and inefficient. 110. The added price of inconvenience is hard to measure and must be inferred from indirect evidence. 111. He did not sympathize with those who claimed they needed a bishop simply to minimize inconvenience to ministerial candidates. 112. There are many ways for the authorities to avoid the embarrassment and inconvenience of a jury trial when press freedom is involved. 113. He has been an angler all his life, in spite of the inconvenience of having to make his living as a school master. 113.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 114. She said he was very sorry for the inconvenience that had been caused. 115. It is no great inconvenience to help him, either of you, I assure you. 116. What did the inconvenience of an offhand reply really matter? 117. He put himself to more inconvenience than I wished. 118. I hope I do not inconvenience you. 119. Private inconvenience is made up for by public benefit. 120. However, magnanimity information on web brings us much inconvenience.