irritating造句31. She has a rather twee manner that I find irritating.
32. He's always trying to score points over people and it's really irritating.
33. He had an irritating habit of singing tunelessly about the house.
34. In heavy concentrations, ozone is irritating to the eyes(Sentence dictionary), nose and throat.
35. In a way I found very irritating.
36. She found his relentless sexual innuendoes irritating.
37. A steady splat, splat, splat that was extremely irritating.
38. An irritating excrescence upon the summit of international union.
39. It turned out to be an irritating, sad day.
40. Information-retrieval is often irritating and slow.
41. Sammy has an irritating habit of leaving the refrigerator door open while he's fixing something to eat.
42. His blind refusal to break the rules and give us any information was so bloody irritating.
43. To many ordinary punters, he's simply the most irritating man in pop.
44. There's nothing more irritating than a sales assistant who doesn't know what he's talking about.
45. On the field, he is annoying and irritating and gives high-salaried athletes more of a bad name than they already have.
46. Nothing is more irritating than people who do not keep to the point and talk for too long.
47. The text is disfigured by irritating errors and sloppy proofreading.
48. But an irritating and inopportune appearance of honour made him hesitate to benefit from her rejection by Alfred at least for tonight.
49. The only irritating feature was the placement of electrical outlets in the kitchen.
50. As a result, they are unable ever to get beyond the personality traits they find irritating.
51. A flame is a vituperative email directed at anyone who acts in an uninformed or irritating manner.
52. When Converse described his adventures in the motel kitchenette, the lawyer shrugged and smiled in an irritating manner.
53. This week, be ready for irritating news and yet another fruitless attempt at communication.
54. I realized for the first time that I no longer found the ritual irritating.
55. Despite her irritating affectations, she did have a genuine flair for divining quality in both literature and the visual arts.
56. For one thing, she was grateful that she was no longer the only inconvenient, disabled person irritating a crowd of people.
57. It's so irritating how Ellen always tries to finish people's sentences for them.
58. At first, the difficulty he had in opening the door of his room seemed no more than an irritating trifle.
59. So this was Guy Sterne's type of woman, an irritating little voice niggled the back of her mind.
60. Perhaps he was viewed less as a courageous whistle-blower than as an irritating gad-fly.