快好知 kuaihz

91. Many will not accept single men and sometimes throw out those whose wives have died-even if both were naturists for years. 92. He is survived by his three wives and 14 children. 93. It's a get-together for some of our clients and their wives, and hopefully for prospective customers, too. 94. But overall the biggest rise in working wives has been towards the top end of the income scale. 95. He talked about wives being obedient to husbands, so she wanted to show him the other side. 96. Husbands and wives were bound by deep ties-like two branches grafted together. 97. For example in 1983, only 30% of unemployed men had working wives, compared with 58% of employed household heads. 98. To ask wives as well at such short notice might not have been on. 98.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 99. Wives shouldn't talk thus about their husbands, she thought resentfully, especially when they were clergy wives. 100. Many wives do not report acts of marital violence to the police. 101. This is sometimes reversed; wives are not always good listeners. 102. The cuckolding of heiresses and the wives of great lords was considered the highest form of courtly love. 103. Most of them are wealthy men whose wives raise their children. Child care is not high on their agenda. 104. We have introduced independent taxation of husbands and wives, giving married women full eligibility for tax allowances. 105. Arrogant or pretentious wives can sometimes kill the political ambitions of their husbands. 106. Their wives, hand in hand, stepping carefully in expensive shoes over the summer's jetsam, brought up the rear. 107. In practice, the treatment of widows and deserted wives varied considerably from region to region. 108. And I am not talking about the drunken louts who beat their wives to death in a cellar. 109. Men have brought infection home to their wives, and the disease has penetrated the entire society. 110. Women, increasingly, were engaged in industrial struggle: at Ford in Hull with Lil Bilocca's fishermen's wives. 111. Battered wives are kept barefoot and pregnant by their men and are afraid to leave. 112. The wives might not have quite as glamorous a job as their husbands flying the planes. 113. Between 60 and 70 percent of Salisbury's clergy wives now work, and the church hierarchy encourages them to. 114. This perception did not happen overnight, and can not be changed overnight by candidates or wives. 115. Some of the wives and the smaller children were doing smaller chores in the fish house. 116. The four tall brothers walked in stooped silence but their wives chatted agreeably. 117. For one thing, he did not mess with the wives of other men. 118. Women, because of their role as mothers and wives, have diverse careers which are often very dissimilar to those of men. 119. The denial of tenderness cuts them off from communication with wives and children. 120. Like an old-time Mormon, Sukarno kept each of his wives in a separate establishment in a different part of town.