wives造句151. Lesbians put their weight behind issues such as child care, abortion, race, battered wives and rape.
152. The Officers arrived with their wives and girlfriends, the children following behind.
153. Fathers have few supports to help them adjust to a more active role with their wives and babies.
154. The workshops can foster better communication between husbands and wives.
155. After six wives and eight children, he emerges as a smiling paterfamilias.
156. Since fathers rarely have experience baby-sitting or playing with dolls, most lack the familiarity with babies that their wives have.
157. Keeping wives in work will therefore maximize the chances of their husbands hearing about possible job openings.
158. Giving up his five wives and dozen concubines, Vladimir demanded that all his subjects in Kiev become baptized./wives.html
159. Thus, wives often admit having provoked their husbands in order to move through the abuse.
160. Clerical wives were divided into those who wore hats on principle and those who, on principle, did not.
161. For men, returning home after years away from their wives and children, a new beginning had to be made.
162. Susan and Claire, the wives of Stephen and Alan, looked on wanly, speechless with exhaustion.
163. Why is it so difficult to find former abusers who are reconciled with their wives?
164. We've been flying here since September, but our wives have regularly sent out Country Living to keep us in touch.
165. Generally, they are intolerant of their wives functioning in a superior position.
166. Health chiefs spent another £350,000 on air tickets, accommodation and lavish entertaining for the firm's executives and their wives.
167. She was showing him the verse where it says, Husbands love your wives, or words to that effect.
168. Like any Eastern potentate he was celebrated for his wives.
169. A crowd gathered at each place, farmers and their wives waiting in their wagons until the children appeared.
170. Which raises the question of why the males' lovers do not simply become extra wives.
171. I said that throughout history a number of great leaders had kept matters of state secret even from their wives.
172. The first nine viceroys all had Goan wives or mistresses, and inter-marriage continued through the centuries, through gradually declining.
173. It was not intended to suggest that these were battered wives.
174. In this example, wives are the population most seriously affected by whatever research may be done.
175. But for the forgotten victims - the wives - there is little official recognition, let alone pressure for reform.
176. He hangs on to the bark rope as his wives clamber out carrying flat baskets of headless smoked monkeys.
177. Green, who has five wives and 30 children, had been charged with four counts of bigamy.
178. Threatened groups bring in wives from outside and thus establish important social links promising external support and succour.
179. I love her as wives love their husbands, as friends who have taken each other for life.
180. The wives of prosperous burgesses also had a good deal of managerial responsibility and authority.