guess造句(181) I guess the boy has been inspired by somebody else.
(182) Uh, yeah, I guess so.
(183) I guess the real reason that my wife and I had children is the same reason that Napoleon had for invading Russia: it seemed like a good idea at the time.Bill Cosby
(184) Somebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there's no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door.Jerry Seinfeld
(185) Nero : Let me guess, more demons?
(186) Romantically, this month is anyone's guess.
(187) Guess where the jaunty streams refresh themselves.
(188) Output: meet guess is the natural number two.
(189) Can you guess a set phrase with them?
(190) Guess who I saw yesterday. Marge White.
(191) Guess what: I saw Tome Bruce the other day.
(192) I guess that's about the size of it.
(193) I guess I'm not a night owl after all.
(194) I guess this also applies to rolling mill.
(195) B : WYSIWYG . Can you guess its meaning?
(196) So I guess it wasn't a perfect game.
(197) Inferring means you can guess the word meaning form the context or hints in the text.
(198) Murray's best guess was based on his work on milk chocolate.
(199) I guess he bought her the pipe organ, and she's really not happy about it.
(200) Well, I guess I'll have scrambled eggs with sausage, too.
(201) Can you guess the meaning of this word form the context?
(202) Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
(203) We also guess that CRFR 2 could inhibit effect of jejunum in stress.
(204) I guess that's why this town is called Rattlesnake Flats.
(205) Sakesman : Akk right, I guess you ' ve stayed up akk night because you kook so exhausted.
(206) I guess Sina . com has a deal with TM. So not totally fake.
(207) Marlowe: No, just having fun trying to guess what they are.
(208) I'm not sad about it. Maybe a little wistful , I guess.
(209) Problem consciousness was the mental state that individual explore, doubt and guess in one thing.
(210) ROGER FEDERER : Well , then I guess I don't show it. It's good, poker face.