familiar with造句91 Not only will that skill help your re sume, it will make you familiar with on-line job recruiting. Explore alternatives.
92 By using and learning about the hardware and software, developing country professionals will become familiar with a variety of modern technologies.
93 A pair of ravens, too, are familiar with the pond, their home.
94 We are all familiar with news items concerning marine pollution due to oil spills.
95 Taku Shanskan is familiar with my spirit and when I die I will go with him.
96 Most permit-seekers are middle-aged men who already are familiar with guns, Chelius said.
97 Those familiar with the work and working methods of Frank Auerbach may find all this oddly familiar.
98 We were familiar with each breath, each movement, each thought, and his extramarital activities never diminished our mutual lust.
99 San Jose is all too familiar with players like that.
100 The way it works these days is just so divorced from everything we're familiar with back home.
101 I was more familiar with her father, who was our milkman.
102 Most employers also prefer applicants who are familiar with computers and their applications in accounting and internal auditing.
103 All of this must have come across very drearily to viewers not familiar with Brookside.
104 Are you familiar with the phrase "the old boy network'?
105 You just have to get familiar with your Internet software, which in most cases isn't too difficult.
106 It was terribly interesting to see other painters in action - painters whose work we're familiar with.
107 Those who are familiar with the national statistics can not question that the test results in Florida are probably correct.
108 For anyone not already familiar with these works, the presentation is unhelpful.
109 Ensure that you are familiar with any heating controls the system may have such as a time clock or programmer.
110 Historians of religion are familiar with these words of Saint Catherine, but one rarely finds them in popular devotional treatises.
111 Those familiar with hand-jamming will find this quite accommodating, well-furnished as it is with excellent placements.
112 Rule 2: reduce stress and increase self-confidence Make yourself familiar with the form of the exam.
113 There are many reasons to suppose that Shakespeare was familiar with the stories of medieval Italy.
114 Now, we're all very familiar with the territory of trauma.
115 Only a reader familiar with Magritte's art will not be confused by this strange editorial decision.
116 The pharmacist is familiar with the peculiarities of Dr. Klein's handwriting.
117 It is not a language the young reader - or indeed any reader - is familiar with.
118 Once you have become thoroughly familiar with this you can venture on to other things.
119 Even readers whose knowledge of the written word comes from cereal boxes are familiar with metaphors using battlefields and quicksand.
120 I was the fifth grandchild, and as there were seven more after me, I stayed familiar with the tarantella.