familiar with造句151 Quinn had passed it many times before, and he was familiar with the winos and vagabonds who hung around the place.
152 On the minus side, the performance monitor took time to become familiar with.
153 Knowing the right questions to ask often depends on being familiar with the activity in hand and on general business expertise.
154 Mr Greenhill also at times clashed with Mr Dimon, people familiar with the firm say.
155 Acoustic and folk music fans are familiar with her 20-year span of live performance and recorded works.
156 Lawyers are also more familiar with the Commissioner and are more frequently pointing clients with complaints about their unions in her direction.
157 Those familiar with the television programme Yes Prime Minister! will recognise this characterisation.
158 H freeway retrofit and replacement, sources familiar with it said Monday.
159 He prided himself on being familiar with both editorial and technological aspects of publishing.
160 Anyone familiar with electronic mail who have access to facilities at work or college can join us.
161 Since they meet many customers each year, they become familiar with solutions to common problems.
162 Like Nelson he was thoroughly familiar with those on whom he would need most to rely.
163 I am familiar with many routes on minor roads in the region, as well as the cycle paths built by organisations like Sustrans.
164 We are all familiar with the behavior of polarized electromagnetic radiation from Polaroid sunglasses.
165 But according to observers and officials familiar with the negotiations, they are not talking much.
166 Many readers will also be familiar with demonstrations of production of electric power by tapping the energy of winds and tides.
167 You can usually find your way around any spreadsheet if you are familiar with the Lotus 1-2-3 commands.
168 Lili, the hedonist, on the other hand, was clearly familiar with some of the regions of Hell.
169 Become familiar with these various techniques, even the more sophisticated ones, if they fit your business and product mix.
170 She was cynically amused by the fact that Lorimer seemed so familiar with this form of ingress into the Salamanca manse.
171 Arable farmers who applied last year for oilseed rape subsidy will already be familiar with the way the map should be completed.
172 Their best chance therefore of becoming familiar with quoted speech in their preschool years is through hearing dialogue in stories read aloud.
173 What happened next is significant to people who are familiar with law enforcement and legal practice in Dallas.
174 It was a cycle I was familiar with because it dated back to when my father went to war.
175 Nevertheless it is a mistake to think that the only literary modes which exist are those one period is familiar with.
176 Apart from the basic security arrangements that we're probably all familiar with by now, he offered some interesting information.
177 From a key informant familiar with the dementia sufferer and his or her home circumstances.
178 Here, however, all similarity between the piece Lucien was familiar with and what he saw being performed before him ended.
179 The province has become sadly familiar with news of lay-offs and redundancies, factory closures and company collapses.
180 He somehow seemed familiar with the jokes that the young were making and used their slang.