medicare造句31 For the elderly, Medicare HMOs offer prescription coverage and other extras at no added cost.
32 We have to be vigilant about protecting Medicare and Medicaid.
33 The database and a new Medicare payment system are scheduled to begin operating next year and be completed in 1999.
34 Today the employer-employee payroll tax burden has hit a joint 15. 3 %, if you include Medicare.
35 A universal system of health insurance known as Medicare, funded from general taxation, was introduced in 1984.
36 And Dole is on record opposing the Medicare concept from its inception.
37 The direct cost of Social Security and Medicare to employees stood at $ 464 billion in 1994.
38 The administration wants the patients' 20 percent share also brought under the Medicare fee schedule.
39 Medicare is the federal health insurance program for the elderly.
40 They believe he would do a better job of protecting, such as Social Security, Medicare, education and the environment.
41 She spends $ 300 or less on health care a year and pays $ 1, 625 in Medicare and Medigap premiums.
42 It favours the employed with good incomes on the one hand and the Medicare and Medicaid programmes on the other.
43 The difference is that he would pay the total premium costs to Medicare and leave out Medigap.
44 And he called a news conference Thursday to propose a 10 percent increase for Medicare.
45 An attempt to pass a Republican budget that includes major changes in Medicare may occur again next month.
46 CareFirst withdrew from the federal Medicare program last year and limited its Maryland Medicaid coverage to the city of Baltimore.
47 In effect, Gingrich is holding the Interior Department hostage to his attempt to put new restrictions on Medicare patients.
48 And the Republicans also plan to phase out Medicare entirely, replacing it with a kind of fixed-sum voucher system.
49 Diagnostic services attract lower benefits, while some services provided by professions allied to medicine are not covered by Medicare.
50 Firms also dropped coverage for retirees who qualify for Medicare from 40 to 35 percent, the survey said.
51 They fell short of the sizable reductions they had sought in spending for Medicare, coverage for the elderly and disabled.
52 Health-care bonds anywhere are risky these days, especially with changes brewing in Medicare and Medicaid.
53 The biggest savings from any one program will come from the Medicare health care program for the old and disabled.
54 On the campaign trail, Dole has ruled out cutting defense, Social Security and Medicare.
55 Most senior citizens also lack coverage for prescription drugs and dental care, which are not covered by Medicare.
56 The president vetoed those cuts, and is working to keep Medicare affordable for this and future generations of seniors.
57 The plan also calls for balancing the budget without deep cuts in Medicare, education and environmental protection.
58 Decisions made in the absence of a direct budget constraint, such as those made for Medicare reimbursement in health planning.
59 Currently, Medicare covers no preventive measures except for flu shots and mammograms every other year for women over 65.
60 It is still acting as if Democrats offer a free ride to Medicare reform and the Republicans a drive over the cliff.