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151 Leaders of both political parties have talked for years about strengthening Medicare. 152 The new law allows ACOs that meet quality-of-care targets and reduce their costs relative to a spending benchmark to receive a share of the savings they achieve for the Medicare program. 153 Like Medicare, which overrode its cost estimates by ten times. 154 Medicare Part B carries a $96.40 (cent) monthly premium, which rises every year. 155 Clinton also urges fellow Democrats to "saddle up" on tough budget issues such as roping in Social Security and Medicare spending. 156 What will happen when Medicare and Social Security run out of money? 157 Medicare, the giant health scheme for the elderly, is federally financed and run. 158 In a statement,[http:///medicare.html] Medicare said it would " examine our policies. " 159 He included doctors and hospital groups, both losers in past Medicare reforms. 160 Social Security and Medicare total unfunded liability in excess of $ 100 trillion. In short, the U. 161 It is no surprise that spending on drugs by the elderly were not part of Medicare at the beginning since drugs were a minor part of their total medical spending in 1965. 162 He fulminated against the Republicans'plan to cut Medicare; She railed against the bad social policies. 163 The Democratic bill would lift a noninterference clause in the Medicare prescription - drug law. 164 Federal Medicaid and Medicare conventions mandate that hospitals account for space according to use by department. 165 But successful programs like veterans’ health, Social Security and Medicare are in the crosshairs. 166 "There is no reason in the world we have to be this uncertain about the relative risks and benefits, " says Dr. Sean Tunis, a former chief medical officer of Medicare. 167 We have a huge fiscal hole out there which is best measured by the fact that Medicare benefits are only 50% funded going all the way out. 168 They started out a lot of talk about Medicate and Medicare. 169 It's why Lyndon Johnson established Medicare at the peak of the long post - World War II expansion. 170 Issues concerning long - term care, Medicare, and insurance loom large. 171 Conclusion. Lumbosacral injections increased dramatically in the Medicare population from 1994 to 2001. 172 Since 2003, Congress, under Republican and Democratic leadership, has deferred these cuts in Medicare reimbursements from going into effect. 173 With the reform of medicare payment system , the tendency of hospital cost accounting will develop mote and more, include medical department cost, medical service item cost and DRGs cost, etc . 174 Together we will strengthen Medicare and offer prescription drug coverage to all of our seniors. 175 By all accounts, every year we lose billions of dollars to Medicare and Medicaid funds from fraud. 176 These tax breaks can be coupled with the opening of Medicare to anyone who wants to buy in, thereby getting a jump start on Obama's health insurance programme. 177 Once again, I recommended that we lock away the Social Security surplus, about $2.3 trillion, and that we save about $550 billion for Medicare. 178 One of the best moves we could make, adds Litan, would be a long-term budget deal that would address the looming Social Security/Medicare payouts for baby boomers. 179 They started out with a lot of talk about Medicate and Medicare. 180 If currents trends continue, Medicare expenditures are likely to outpace revenues.