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1. An Ordnance Survey grid reference gives the position of a place to within 100 metres. 2. Robert Shadley, commander of the ordnance center and school. 3. Lorton paused to consult his Ordnance Survey map. 4. One from the ordnance factory and one from the Army. 5. There was so much ordnance stored in his office he had to get Ferric to take some home. 6. Study a local map and the Ordnance Survey, which is a mine of information. 7. Yet Flemish farmers still unearth unexploded ordnance nearly every day. 8. Ordnance survey maps are the official maps of Britain printed by the government. 9. The early versions of Ordnance Survey maps are also very useful - particularly the large-scale, six inch to one mile maps. 10. The Ordnance Survey grid references relate to the maps, with the grid lines 1 kilometre apart. 11. A useful step is to inspect old Ordnance Survey maps, and the cinch 1906 survey will be found useful. 12. He succeeded Pym in control of the ordnance, and was thanked by the House for deciphering intercepted letters. 13. Ordnance Survey maps are essential: they are accurate and of good quality. 14. The attackers drop real ordnance, itself a rarity in the world of the Hollywood invisible bomb. 15. Hundreds of ordnance factories are recruiting people now. 16. She worked in an ordnance factory during the war. 17. See the ordnance section for more details. 18. Mapping agency Ordnance Survey (OS) has launched a service offering free and unrestricted access to most of its map data. 19. The Cartesian projection, narrowing towards the poles, is practical for detailing and is used in most coastal ordnance surveys. 20. On Grey's becoming prime minister in 1831, Creevey got the post of treasurer of the ordnance at £1,200 a year. 21. Kistiakowsky worked well with Deke Parsons, the naval officer in charge of the Ordnance Division. 22. A severely damaged Royal Navy destroyer burns through the day with exploding ordnance and great sudden flares of burning bunker oil. 22.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 23. More officers were created, such as the surveyor and rigger, the vice-admiral, and the master of naval ordnance. 24. Volunteers with technical qualifications were accepted for the Engineers, Ordnance and the Service Corps. 25. Cut-Through Lane was in use as a tank testing ground by the Ordnance Depot at Chilwell and everything was on wartime footing. 26. When Sir Robert Peel formed his first ministry in 1834 he appointed Bonham storekeeper of the ordnance. 27. Filling a substantial amount of skyline and covering six full squares of the Ordnance Survey map. 28. The geological maps of Great Britain all use an Ordnance Survey topographic base. 29. There were some poor lost souls last week at the Ordnance Survey office in Chester. 30. He also hired a team of external consultants to search the firm's books for unexploded ordnance.