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31. According to the characters of rear ordnance store, we establish systematic and safe vague comprehensive evaluating model. 32. "It's time for motorists to take a refresher in map-reading skills," said Scott Sinclair of national mapping agency Ordnance Survey. 33. The services will support the army's Product Manager Robotic and Unmanned Sensors and Product Manager Countermine and Explosive Ordnance Demolition. 34. Its firing chamber is specifically designed for proton torpedoes (the source of the PTL acronym), but it can easily accept different types of ordnance with a field-kit of adaptors. 35. All non - EOD explosive ordnance disposal personnel must evacuate immediately. 36. The paper introduces the new application of plastics and its composites in ordnance, including using them as materials for armor, gun barrel, rotating band, obturator and sabot. 37. Abstract: According to the characters of rear ordnance store, we establish systematic and safe vague comprehensive evaluating model. 38. The result of prediction is useful for the preventive maintenance of naval ordnance. 39. Sailors aboard Enterprise battle a massive ordnance fire triggered by a Zuni missile. 40. The father is the ordnance factory worker, the mother is the tannery worker. 41. With cargo projectile by the world , serious problem of unexploded ordnance arisen. 42. First naval ordnance reliability model are made according to the function structure of naval ordnance. 43. So a decision-making model of urgency ordnance transportation based on simulation is established. 44. NORINCO ( G ) is sometimes referred to as the Ordnance Industry Group. 45. Force Escort Group Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit, Police Dog Unit and other non - front - line units were mobilised. 46. He had been drinking at the name day party of the ordnance sergeant, Ivan Petrovich. 47. “That much ordnance going off would be the equivalent of an earthquake ” Cartwright told me. 48. The special and high risk enhances the necessity cany on safety evaluation in the ordnance industry. 49. The huge, bulbous-headed mechanicals were ambulatory tripods equipped with chain-fed ordnance launchers capable of holing Republic artillery transports. 50. Urgent ordnance transport on single requirement point is familiar in ordnance transport. 51. In Basrah, Red Cross instructor was conducting mine and unexploded ordnance awareness activities with schoolchildren. 52. The ordnance and ammunition repairis responsible for the technical support of and optical instruments. 52.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 53. The gunship's belt-fed rocket launchers allow for specialized ordnance payloads for specific mission requirements. 54. S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, replacing Staff Sergeant Thompson, who was killed by a remote-detonated 155mm improvised explosive device (IED) in Baghdad. 55. To make the decision more practical, the uncertainty in actual ordnance transportation must be considered. 56. A warrant officer in the U.S. Marine corps having charge of ordnance. 57. Intercom: Repeat. A bomb has been detected. All non - EOD ( explosive ordnance disposal ) personnel must evecuate immediately. 58. When stealth is no longer critical, the Lightning II can carry 18,000 pounds of ordnance on eleven underwing and fuselage stations for air interdiction and close air support missions. 59. The process of multiple-state maintenance for the aviation ordnance synthetic system is studied, and a mathematical semi-Markov model is established. 60. The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved.