disguised造句181. Flanked by a bodyguard and disguised in a hat, mask and glasses, he spoke through a modulator that led Washington Post columnist David Ignatius to liken his voice to Darth Vader's.
182. Later he smuggled himself to Shanghai , and then , disguised, he returned to Hunan.
183. Staff members of government departments and the persons responsible for examining textbooks shall not participate in compiling textbooks or do so in disguised form.
184. He disguised these feelings under an enormous bellowing and hurraying.
185. Investigators found that the men had disguised the holes by using the heavy metal wheel to crush up the rubble and hide it in plastic boxes used to store their personal possessions.
186. Lutheran Church Historian Martin Marty argues that all too many pews are filled on Sunday with practical atheists—disguised nonbelievers who behave during the rest of the week as if God did not exist.
187. Might his entire oeuvre be a thinly disguised ode to unfettered man love?
188. That bad egg was recognized by policemen although he disguised himself well.
189. At the age of fifteen, for a wager, he was disguised as a girl.
190. Smalltalk is a good example here - most implementations are having small/large integer distinction in implementation, with small integers being disguised inside a non-rounded pointers.
191. It's just an indirect, disguised way to subsidize purchases of bad assets.
192. This letter of credit is essentially a disguised form of revocable letter of credit.
193. In the end, "The Price of Everything" amounts to a grab bag of liberal pieties disguised as logic.
194. Such small holdings are often over-manned, resulting in disguised unemployment and low productivity of labour .
195. Alfred the Great acted his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.
196. Vanity, egotism, and pride – they all hide a subtle unhappiness, a cleverly disguised animosity.
197. The wastefulness of the system has been disguised by monumental saving which is so very high precisely because so many Chinese do not believe that the regime and model have much of a future.
198. The mysterious personage was so disguised that his own wife would hardly have known him.
199. The unfairness disguised by the so-called objective language test and machine-scoring is discussed.
200. One Asura suspected foul play, disguised himself as a Deva, and drank some Nectar.