快好知 kuaihz

1, Vanity is the food of fools. 2, Vanity is her worst failing. 3, I think Frank's vanity is his Achilles' heel. 4, His vanity was his downfall. 5, My suggestion appealed to her vanity. 6, Vanity and virtue do not go together. 7, His vanity increased with years. 8, She had no personal vanity . 9, The woman is always feeling after vanity. 10, Men who use steroids are motivated by sheer vanity. 11, He played up to the old lady's vanity to get her support. 12, The invitation to head the committee flattered his vanity and he agreed. 13, Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine. 14, He wants the job purely for reasons of vanity and ambition. 15, A man's vanity is actually in proportion to his ignorance. 16, He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them. 17, Sabrina had none of the vanity so often associated with beautiful women. 18, We're above all that kind of petty vanity, unfortunately. 19, Vanity is the quicksand of reason.George Sand 20, Her vanity kept her from getting a hearing aid. 21, Vanity, all is vanity, saith the preacher. 22, A vanity case landed on top of the gearshift. 23, Oh, vanity, vanity! she thought, reproaching herself. 24, The highest form of vanity is love of fame.George Santayana 25, Vanity by any other name is still vanity. 26, Under the genial exterior lay a considerable vanity, and a desire to have his own way. 27, Stupidity talks, vanity acts.Victor Hugo 28, Silly talk is a sign of shallowness. Foolish vanity is a mark of stupidity.Dr T.P.Chia 29, He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him. 30, And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence.Bertrand Russell